Kulturkompass - traditionell oder modern?
Basierend auf Daten aus 7 Bewertungen schätzen Mitarbeiter bei BFC BAMBINIFASHION.COM die Unternehmenskultur als eher traditionell ein, während der Branchendurchschnitt zwischen traditionell und modern liegt. Die Zufriedenheit mit der Unternehmenskultur beträgt 2,4 Punkte auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 basierend auf 10 Bewertungen.
The atmosphere is unpleasant, there is a negative culture throughout the company that "the one who works the most hours is the best" I saw people working 12 hours a day. I was required to answer messages late at night or weekends, come in earlier and leave later my working hours, work Sundays and holidays for free! Also the company is a family company, if you are not their family, then you have to earn their "trust" which creates a tense atmosphere among the workers. And even if you had won their "trust", they did not guarantee you job security or salary increases.