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Is and will probably remain the worst working experience that I have ever had. My advice: run in the opposite direction.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Praktikant/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

In all honesty, I cannot think of anything that was good besides the location of the office.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Essentially: everything (management, flexibility, communication, transparency, team spirit, working times/days)


Please stop micromanaging everyone.
We are human beings and in the modern day, this way of work is unacceptable.


The company promotes a fake "family" culture, which turns out to be a big facade almost right away, behind which every single employee is overworked, underpayed and hates the company.


There is no open communication. The management is formed of two CEOs who have no care for their employees and a few management people. There is no HR department, or one single person who is employed for HR. This, combined with the bad and calculated communication of the managers makes feedback and communication from the side of the employee impossible.


There is no team spirit in the company, especially in the sales sector, as there is very heavy "wolf of wall street" culture.


You could say that work-life-balance does not exist when you work here. The hours are too long, normal shifts end at 7pm and sometimes at 8pm. There is no time for gym, shopping, doctor appointments... I even had extreme difficulties finding time to do grocery shopping, as most stores in Vienna don't stay open so late. Most of the times, it won't even be possible to hang out with the few friends you can make at work, as the days off are different for everyone.


The managers are incompetent and almost no empathy for their employees and will always ask for more work.
Unfortunately, this paired with the other aspects I mention creates a big silence on many topics, as the managers make it a tabu to talk about them and the employees then fear to address them.

Interessante Aufgaben

It is passed as sales, but really it is a call center.
The tasks were extremely repetitive, the only space to do other things are the few months of the year (in low seasons) when the sales team doesn't receive as many calls as usual.


Equality is another tabu in the company.
It operates on favoritism instead of meritocracy. This of course puts other people's hard work and merit in secondary positions.


The contract is all-in and offers no felixbility.

While the contract talks about occasional overtime, the reality is that overtime is fully expected (at least 9 hours of work per day, if not more) and they might fire you if you don't do the overtime as they ask.

It is also not allowed to work from home (even though this rule does not seem to apply for one of the CEOs who has been doing home office for the past three years)

Holidays and weekends are also always covered and there isn't really space to ask for those days off.
Vacation will be extremely hard to take: I asked to take half day off, and it took a whole week until me and the management could find a day that was ok for them, even though it is my right to ask for vacation, especially when I am asking with much time in advance.


No empathy


When you receive the contract as an INTERN, the pay seems really good. However, I think that I would never take such a job back even with five times the amount of money I was making back then.

As far as I know from colleagues who were employed full time, the salary almost does not change from intern to full time employee. In this perspective, for a full time employee the salary is very low.


Im my opinion very bad.


With such a job, there is small room for learning anything or advance in the company.

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