No real Leadership exists, pressure and control are the way to manage employees
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Location, salary
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Everything beside location and salary
Maybe top management should reflect on themselves and try to find a way to leave last century management style. Employees and business are a good base but it starts always on the top.
If the top management is external it is not bad, because the lower levels try to find ways to motivate each other. BUT if top management is on board pressure and control are the leading factors.
Very poor. Management expects fast bottom up communications but top down is not an element of their management.
Good on middle and lower hierarchy, as long people are not influenced by upper management.
If work is life than good but if not than not existing.
Results made under pressure are the leading factor, Engagement and motivation is not part of leadership expectations.
Interessante Aufgaben
A lot of exiting things to do, if there would be more freedom and beside top management there could have others a voice in the room, it could be exiting.
All were treated equally, hierarchy is the factor of diversity.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Hard to judge, whether they are in the top management or has already left
Nice location…
Only motivation factor, above market.
Not well known in the market
Depends on yourself, are you value or top management orientated…