Avoid this company
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
nice office, friendly colleagues
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
There are no benefits and no change coming
HR does not help and company is not changing to the better, only worse
management does not care for people
salaries are a joke, raises almost never happen and it takes forever
appreciate employees, improve unfair conditions
be more transparent
HR and management should improve communication
people are nice but there is a lot of pressure
not every manager can manage well
not transparent
colleagues are mostly nice and friendly but many also leave bc of bad working conditions
Worklife balance is bad, many overhours, back up missing and this is not only in finance, this is in technical organisation too.
there is no flexibility during the week
Interessante Aufgaben
avergae, nothing special
the office space is quite nice and comfortable
some salaries are very low, there are no real benefits
don't come if you want to earn well
after more than 2 years, no change, no options