A great company that is going to change the world
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
It is a rare chance you get to work on this kind of topic and across industries that rarely talk or work together. The people you work with are super interesting and the topics are very real. Everyone has or hopes to have a roof over their head and all the parts and pieces that go into it and also the complexities to make it better make the subject matter interesting to work in.
Also management put a lot of trust in its employees. You really feel this company is an employee-driven one. There is always an ear open to ideas and it is most often the case that those ideas are matched with actions from the very top. The level of engagement and trust is very high.
Everyone if highly skilled and enthusiastic to work together. Even with the remote setup, we find the time to invest in getting to know one another on a personal level. Also it is pretty cool working with people from extremely different industries.
Communication is pretty strong, we go as far as oversharing. It is nice to have a strong level of transparency not just from management, but between different teams.
We may not always agree with one another, but a common vision and goal drive us to disagree and commit.
Home office is standard and the norm
The management feel extremely strongly that the mission is not simply profit but more so to create a better world. Sustainability and social equality are hot topics every company I have worked at have said are important, but they are often just buzz words. Here you really see that they feel extremely strongly on the topic.