A corporate shell that's just a shallow remainder of a once great company with many layoffs and a no perspective.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
* Good work equipment (MacBook)
* Fully remote work
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
* No feedback culture
* Benefits we once had were removed or at least are not guaranteed anymore (Soft-Close during Christmas, 500€/year to spend for wellness and gym)
* Salaries are only average in IT
* Your work does not matter that much
* Constant fear of getting fired in the next quarter.
* Value your employees
* Communicate openly
* Get rid of the no feedback culture
Started great, but with the increasing involvement of Mosaic, engineering in general lost its purpose. There have been multiple waves of lay-offs decreasing the original iTranslate team to a bare minimum.
Within the team, I cannot complain. No collaboration with other teams.
Interessante Aufgaben
The company lacks in ideas on where to go next. The only tasks are to maintain what is already there. Very boring no-feedback culture.
A lot of freedom to try out and experiment. Hence, no feedback culture so most of your work won't make it into production, no matter how good it is.
Average. There are better offers depending on your experience.
No option to grow personally or professionally, at least in Austria.