11 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
11 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
6 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen11 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
6 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
* Good work equipment (MacBook)
* Fully remote work
* No feedback culture
* Benefits we once had were removed or at least are not guaranteed anymore (Soft-Close during Christmas, 500€/year to spend for wellness and gym)
* Salaries are only average in IT
* Your work does not matter that much
* Constant fear of getting fired in the next quarter.
* Value your employees
* Communicate openly
* Get rid of the no feedback culture
Started great, but with the increasing involvement of Mosaic, engineering in general lost its purpose. There have been multiple waves of lay-offs decreasing the original iTranslate team to a bare minimum.
No option to grow personally or professionally, at least in Austria.
Within the team, I cannot complain. No collaboration with other teams.
A lot of freedom to try out and experiment. Hence, no feedback culture so most of your work won't make it into production, no matter how good it is.
Average. There are better offers depending on your experience.
The company lacks in ideas on where to go next. The only tasks are to maintain what is already there. Very boring no-feedback culture.
Company cares about the image in the public. Young culture and flexibility.
Mostly Okay.
Not possible.
The average salary in Austria.
Mostly Okay.
Company prefers young people with fresh ideas. They do not want to pay a lot.
No transparency.
Nice office and home office possibility.
Ineffective communication makes it difficult for employees to work closely, collaboratively and successfully as a team.
No time tracking. Lots of freedom.
Lack of transparency internally.
Start investing in people. Get rid of the cronyism. Start taking feedback seriously. Deliver on your promises to the employees.
Generally there's not a lot of pressure to perform, which is nice. Occasionally you could get the feeling that it doesn't really matter what you actually do, as long as the expected work is done in time. Given that the focus can change quite rapidly it can result in frustrating situations because the work you've done turned out to be for nothing. The work you do matters less, but more who you know and how you're marketing yourself to the higher ups.
This is the one thing this company values above everything and they're doing it really well. It shows in their marketing, it shows everywhere. I've experienced people starting to work there because of the name/prominence of the brand. I've seen the same people leave because of everything described here.
Mostly fair enough. After being acquired by IAC some stupid rules regarding vacations were implemented that mostly made no sense. I've heard stories about on-call being badly implemented for some teams and people working on the weekends, but that was never a topic on my team.
Not possible/valued at all. Go someplace else if you want/need that.
Slightly above average for the location, but waaaaay below average in the current climate. Long standing employees were offered some form of shares in the company, which turned out to be a complete joke, because of their value (or rather, non-value).
Can't really speak to that, but seems "standard".
Probably depends on the team, but there are some really brilliant people working there (or at least used to, quite some people left in the past 6 months). I will hold my judgement towards upper management.
There was definitely a situation where old management considered someone "too experienced to hire", so not too sure what to think of that. Seniority doesn't really matter as much here.
Could be worse, but realistically, could also be a lot better. I won't go into details, but there were some situations that I'd rather not have experienced. Mostly under old management, so that should be resolved, at least in theory.
The office is "nice enough". Dull open floor space, but since going remote-friendly in 2020 it's at least not as overcrowded as it used to be before. Hardware provided is nice enough (current-year Macbook Pro). Not much "extra".
Not a very strong culture for great communication. Almost everything is on a "absolutely need to know" basis. Very few meetings, if you're into that, are the upside. For a very long time people just showed up and left and you didn't even get informed about who started or stopped working with the company. This hasn't been a problem for some time now, but everything's the bare minimum really.
Not too sure. Seemed mostly okay. Gender doesn't matter as much as how good you're marketing yourself.
Hit or miss mostly. Flipping between really interesting tasks and on other days really pointless and boring tasks. Strongly depends on the team.
Flexibility, open door policy, flat hierarchy
It's a small company after all.
Three stars does not mean "bad". It means "average".
There are none but if there were they'd not be treated poorly.
To be fair: Corona was hard on us all and I think working remotely is challenging. Imo the company needs to work a little more on its "home office" and "remote working" culture. Communication is not bad but it could be better for sure.
Hier kommt man gern zur Arbeit - freundliches & internationales Team, großes & helles Büro mit Blick über Graz, Gaming Area,...
Work-Life-Balance wird hier auch gelebt! Nach Abstimmung mit dem Team ist es kein Problem sich zwischendurch den Vor- bzw. Nachmittag frei zu nehmen. Überstunden werden wenn möglich vermieden - sollten dennoch welche anfallen, kann man diese in Form von ZA-Tagen abbauen.
Durch Mitarbeiterförderungsprogramme hat man die Möglichkeit seine Weiterentwicklung aktiv mitzugestalten. Zudem werden Managementschulungen für Führungskräfte angeboten.
Löhne und Gehälter entsprechen der Verantwortung. Für außergewöhnliche Leistungen wird man dementsprechend entlohnt.
Man könnte mehr auf Nachhaltigkeit achten und generell die Müllsituation verbessern, z.B. Plastikmüll so gut es geht vermeiden.
Innerhalb der Teams gibt es sehr guten Zusammenhalt. Aber auch generell zwischen den Teams hat man das Gefühl, dass alle am selben Strang ziehen.
Führungskräfte beziehen sehr stark das Team mit ein. Dadurch hat man die Möglichkeit das Unternehmen aktiv durch Ideen und Vorschläge mitzugestalten.
Trotz Großraumbüro hält sich der Lärmpegel in Grenzen und man hat die Möglichkeit durch Meetingräume/Telefonzellen auszuweichen.
Durch die flache Hierarchie hat man sehr kurze Kommunikationswege und es wird laufend daran gearbeitet diese zu verbessern, z.B. durch teamübergreifende Retrospectiven.
Spannendes und sehr abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet!
Teamlead ist fachlich sehr kompetent, leider wenig Ahnung von Mitarbeiter- und Teamführung. Nach der Einschulung ist man auf sich alleine gestellt. Fragen zur Arbeit wirkten sich negativ auf das Feedbackgespräch aus - ist hier offensichtlich nicht erwünscht.
Im Einstellungsgespräch wurde von einer Start-Up Atmosphäre und flachen Hierarchien erzählt. Davon habe ich nichts mitbekommen. Das trifft vermutlich eher auf andere Abteilungen zu ...
Es werden Überstunden gefordert, Gehalt ist dafür gut.
Im Team war jeder auf sich gestellt. Kollegenzusammenhalt gab es nicht wirklich. Es wurde kein Interesse gezeigt einen neuen Mitarbeiter kennenzulernen.
- Wenig Lob
- kann keine konstruktive Kritik geben (wurde in Feedbackgesprächen persönlich)
- konnte selbst kein Feedback annehmen
- launisch: Man wusste nie ob er heute "nett" ist
Es gab regelmäßig Teammeetings.
Slack wurde u.a. verwendet, um Fehler anderer in den Marketing Channel zu posten.
Wenn man seine Fähigkeiten im Performance Marketing ausbauen will, ist man hier richtig.
nice atmosphere at work, good team work and team spirit, allows you to bring your own ideas to the table
it would be nice to offer some training options for employees who want to improve themselves
great team spirit, good mood and motivation at work
flexible working hours and remote working option on Friday
some room for improvement in terms of recycling
Good career prospects, but training options (external and internal) could be improved
really great colleagues, you can also ask someone if you have questions or need advice. there is always time to share a good laugh as well
flat hierarchies and easy communication throughout different departments
Free Coffee/Snacks
Coworkers are great
The Gaming PC is also very nice
And I always feel valued as a Person
Did you hear about the Knoppers Bar?
It's great, we should get some.
We're trying to separate waste in the office.
We are always kept informed of the results and plans in a manageable period.
Regarding work, you have to communicate yourself to create the basis for good communication. So if there is a problem, you can always ask.
Flache Hierachien, man hat noch das Gefühl von einem Startup, Spaß am Arbeitsplatz und neue Ideen werden gehört.
Die Mülltrennung könnte verbessert und der Plastikverbrauch könnte reduziert werden.
Es gibt flexible Arbeitszeiten und alle damit verbundenen Vorteile. Top!
Die Mülltrennung könnte verbessert und der Plastikverbrauch könnte reduziert werden.
Die Hierarchien sind flach und man kann sich immer und überall Informationen bei den Kollegen einholen. Es gibt auch gemeinsame Lunchbreaks sowie Gaming sessions.
Jeder Mitarbeiter wird mit einem Apple MacBook ausgestattet und seit kurzem haben wir zu Standing desks gewechselt.
Das Gehalt wird immer pünktlich überwiesen und man wird für seine Leistung gut belohnt.
Interesting projects, great co-workers, free snacks.
Good work equipment in sterile and dull open-plan office, which means a lot of distraction.
Tasks are rushed into development without all needed information. Getting the information is often useless since all managers will give different information.
Also, if you‘re not a manager, you have no idea what‘s going on in the company. People join and leave the company without announcement.
So verdient kununu Geld.