14 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
14 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten14 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Unkultur statt Unternehmenskultur sollte es heißen
weder Weiterbildung noch Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten
Hysterisch, sehr aggressiv und manipulativ. Unmenschliche, respektlose Behandlung der Mitarbeiter.
nicht im Geringsten
eine Kombination von alten Technologien und Firmeneigenen Lösungen
Ich durfte relativ flexibel arbeiten, hatte immer Betreuung, wenn ich mich nicht auskannte. Die ganzen Unterlagen, die ich benötigt habe, wurden mir ohne was zu sagen sofort bereitgestellt.
Nichts, alles Super
Mehr mit den Mitarbeitern kommunizieren, ansonsten gibt es keine Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Schlechte Behandlung von Mitarbeitern ist keine notwendige Bedingung für Produktivität.
Nothing is good in this firm. They need to change a lot.
Everything is bad in this firm.
They need to change the mentality
that I learned how I won't do it and what I'm not willing to accept - both to me and also to my co-workers.
also I liked the day I finally managed to get my head straight and left for good.
every hour spend in those use and worthless monologue meetings of the CTO
your decision is clear - one person is worth all that fluctuation and with it the loss of (what could have been successful) projects. that's something I would highly recommend to reconsider.
Co-Workers are friendly to each other however there moles that just pretend and report what they think they heard or seen. Trust only yourself!
just look at the ratings you can find and consider - those are not the worst things that happened (and I guess still do)
make sure work is at first place or leave (that's a quote you might here, sadly)
your duties and position can change on a daily basis. start your week as developer and end it as project lead. ofc in both ways. mostly no reasons explained and or understandable.
if you don't calculate it as salary per hour the payment is great. if you do so - you might consider working as cleaning person instead.
a small branch of the company cares and tries to improve it. but that is a small minority and they can't do much.
United in the hate to the CTO. (also the CTOs accomplishment)
very few stay long enough to find that out
Anything can change on daily basis. Don't take anything for granted. Ask for written statements!
work hours can be as short as 8 hours and with no limits - also weekend and special days ofc. at least there was the free cafeteria (that's gone now) and friendly co-works from mother-company (also now separated)
shady at best. bullshit at most
everyone get's his share of blame no matter his position or his fault. many expats to whom they behave worse (assuming they don't no Austrian-law)
so much you can/ could do. as long as you don't make the suggestion yourself. wait for orders. stick to orders.
Kantine, pünktliche Auszahlung der Gehälter
Schreie jede Tag, Umgang mit Kollegen
Die Arbeitsatmosphäre ist geprägt von Furcht gegenüber der Geschäftsführung.
Man wird nicht ernst genommen.
Schreie JEDE Tag
Java/Spring, free lunch :)
Everything revolves around one person.
Fire Ali
Fire Ali
Terrible place to work. My way or the highway. No exceptions.
This company doesn't understand the value of image. Treating talent and top talent poorly is not only disrespectful, but is superbly damaging to its image.
Not a factor
The only way this company can attract any talent is remuneration. They paid well.
Common enemy creates reasonable comradery with some moles.
4-7-hour interviews are the norm and a serious symptom of this place. Morning+afternoon meetings with tangentially relevant anecdotes waste everyones time.
Bought my own monitor. What else to say.
Poor. The usual crap of people pretending to speak English. Meetings were usually a massive waste of time. What should have been 10-15-minute discussions took hours, also due to poor command of the language.
There used to be/could be interesting tasks. But any interesting/good/meaningful idea is met with huge resistance which becomes pretty much a nasty name calling and deeply political.
- valuable place to learn for hard-workers - especially for junior and mid experienced developers
- technology stack is rather stable than experimental (great place to see and use design patterns and java reflection at their limits)
- colleagues are carefully chosen to be team-players and standing for each other (helping out in development, vacation schedules, working atmosphere)
- small size of the commpany allows you to have hands-on tailored software development and overall-process from requirements gathering to product/release delivery
- if you are able to follow rules and you are enough self-confident you can take the responsibility for more tasks in releasing the software, management or any other suitable position for you after discussion with the management
- lots of work leads to pressure
- for developers: absence of web development, requirements are often being changed
- automate deployment procedure
- stabilize requirements
Hardware, Kantine, Kaffee, Zentrallage, Lohn
sehr schlechte Arbeitsatmosphäre - riesige Fluktuation, Monologen ohne Ende - mehr als 9 Stunden in eine Runde, Schreie jede Tag, keine Chance die eigenen Fähigkeiten zu zeigen
So verdient kununu Geld.