Management Overreach and poor Communication hinder Progress and Morale
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- No core working hours (therefore a lot of flexibility)
- Home office most of the time
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The company suffers from significant communication issues, with top management overly involved in decision-making, hindering other roles from performing effectively. Developers' opinions are largely ignored, and tasks are estimated without their input, leading to poor planning. Attempts to implement Scrum were abandoned due to perceived low output. While internal team meetings are productive, broader meetings are often unproductive. Despite discussions about these issues, no improvements have been made, and the situation remains unchanged
It is frustrating how Pimcore has all the foundations to be a great company and employer, but the lack of communication, social skills, and trust in their own developers and their opinions negates most of the positive aspects
Fine within the team(s), but as soon as others are involved it tends to get anticlimactic
Same goes for communication
Again, withing the teams it is fine. But when others are involved it often feels like you have to defend yourself.
No core hours, home office possibilities
Interessante Aufgaben
Tasks can be interesting (AI, index based search, ...)
Vice Presidents and managing directors consist of mostly male colleagues
- HQ is pretty nice and has everything you would want it to have and even more
- Notebooks, monitors and other equipment are perfectly fine
Not that I know of
Salary is fine and always on time
There is a workshop for developers once a week, where things related to programming are discussed (with the help of external people).
But right now there is no way to get promoted.