Value your loyal team members
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
also the first year was good, you get very well trained, lots of support there
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
no investments into the staff
no benefits
good colleagues, but management looks just for short term solutions, no long strategy in place. The owner doesn't trust her long term managers.
employees should be recognized more - there are so many possibilities to appreciate every single employee - value your staff, without them you can simply close the company
great team spirit
I would have preferred regular meetings, this is what I missed when being with Transped
work life balance was never important for this employer, no flexibility, no remote work, they are not updates with the newest trends. Look around what the other companies are offering...
Interessante Aufgaben
I liked my job any my team, the payment was low. No benefits, no meal vouchers ...
I felt very welcome from the first day on
old furniture, no modern facilities - I would recommend to invest into the furniture and make the space more employee friendly. Compared to my current company, looking back at Transped I see a huge gap - no investments into people, that's why you cant hold them.
they don't separate their trash for recycling, nobody knew why not, probably just to save the costs