Noticeably decreasing attractiveness and dwindling benefits for 5 years
- establish a proper apprenticeship system to develop software engineers (look at Swisscom for reference)
- get rid of the BPaaS model (too costly and causing lots of red heads) and stick again with software dev and licensing business
- get rid of toxic middle managers (nobody will miss them and operations will work also without them)
No more Swissness, everything has to be moved abroad and reshuffled to make the numbers for the new owners.
Lack of transparency and lies in many internal communications.
People have always been the only thing that has kept employees at Avaloq. Since Covid, however, that meaning has changed drastically, and people are leaving in a big way.
If you are able to say no, you can establish and claim your work-life balance. But many employees who cannot say no, i.e. are too nice or work abroad, e.g. in Manila or India, work overtime just to please the management. In most cases, employees have to wear several hats (roles) at some point, because Avaloq is on a strict saving course that lasts about 4-5 years.
There are many managers who feel entitled and think they do an excellent job. However, the reality is that many of these managers have no leadership skills. Most of them came from well known university, but never attended any leadership training, etc.
Social benefits are becoming less and less. Overtime is limited and paid only under certain circumstances. The anniversary gift has been reduced to a fraction. No more free lunches.
As always, if you've been with Avaloq for a long time, you probably won't be very happy with the salaries. However, when recruiting, I have found that the salary ranges for new hires are pretty good.
I think I was one of the lucky ones who was allowed to continue my education and was financially supported and also had time to learn.