Mediocre & steadily declining company with very little interest in its employees
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Company Name & its customers
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Poor management & supervisor interest in its employees
Poor & slow processes all across the company
Quality of infrastructure & benefits very much depending on the site
"Together ahead" was replaced by "every man/woman for him-/herself"
Finalize the privatization/selling phase quickly & hope for a new owner that is willing to bring the company into the 21st century and replaces the current management with people that are interested in developing the company and its employees
Steadily declining. Staff is losing trust in management more and more. Rock bottom is not reached yet.
Regular communication is ensured via monthly meetings & quarterly employee information gatherings. However, only very superficial information is shared. The mid-term concept (except for that the company will be privatized/sold) is not shared with the staff.
On individual level given but in general it is very team/department fighting against the others to not be the last in line
Always depending on individual behavior & willing to say "no"
Management is busy with itself. Employee concerns are not of interest
Interessante Aufgaben
Everywhere you look there are interesting challenges to tackle
Very different incentives across different sites (even within one country)
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
No issues but only very little older & more experienced employees left. A lot of them left or were pushed out. Leadership positions are only filled with younger employees
Partly very old offices & IT infrastructure & processes. Staff is split over a lot of different sites which hinders collaboration
in its infancy
Salary is below average. Moving up the career ladder with increased responsibilities is not valued with adapted salary (or other incentives)
On the outside presented as a "Start-Up with experience", on the inside rotting outdated company owned by the state. More and more applicant notice this and decline offers or leave within probation period
Always depending on individual behavior & willing to fight for your development. Very rarely managers show interest in people development