56 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
56 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil vervollständigen56 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The Centralway's recruitment process was very efficient, fast and I was well informed all the way through. All six current employees and management members who interviewed me were professional and asked relevant questions. I had the feeling that the focus of the company is on results and execution and I was very impressed by its standards.
Ich habe den Verdacht, dass diese Firma stets Stellen offen hat, um stetig die Türen für Talente offen zu halten. Grundsätzlich sehe ich daran nichts Verwerfliches, doch man sollte Kandidaten nicht als ideal bezeichnen und dann ablehnen (bzw. wenn man ehrliches Feedback verspricht, sollte dies auch zutreffen!!).
Zuerst wurde das angepriesene Bewerbungsverfahren nicht eingehalten. Ich wurde partout nicht zu einem persönlichen Gespräch eingeladen. Angeblich war ich ein idealer Kandidat, doch mir wurde gesagt, ein anderer sei gefunden worden. Monate danach sehe ich jedoch, dass die Stelle(n) nach wie vor ausgeschrieben ist/sind.
Aufgrund der schlechten Kommunikation des HR fühle ich mich deshalb nicht angemessen Betreut. Demnach lässt sich festhalten, dass die Professionalität der HR-Verantwortlichen, basierend auf dessen Kommunikation, eher fragwürdig ist.
Bewerbung verlieft effizient und schneller als die meisten Firmen. Gespräche mit vielen Leuten erlaubten tiefe Einsicht in was auf einen zukommt und ob die Kultur passt.
Centralway is one of the most exciting companies at the moment. It has a great vision, an exact idea on how to get there and the right people to make it happen.
The first impression I got after applying was really positive: Centralway acknowledge your application really fast, and ask you more information about yourself, what you want to do, what you know about the company and how you can contribute. And of course questions about your specific skills for the position.
Then the recruitment process goes on, and what I can is that Centralway leaves nothing to chance: the whole process is thorough: interview(s) with the HR department, interviews with the managers and one day on site to see you in work conditions: during this day you are one of Centralway employees and work on real-live tasks.
It is far from easy but this complex recruitment process is ideal for both parties:
- the company make sure that you are the right person for the job, that you fit to the company culture and that you will be able to developed yourself in the future.
- And for the candidates it is the perfect way to understand, not only what will be your place within Centralway, but also how the company work. You can then choose to join them, if you get an offer, based on concrete facts and real experience.
The whole process is done in a really professional, fast and efficient manner: you know what to expect (and when) every step of the way.
On top of that Centralway offers amazing working environment and conditions to its employees with beautiful offices and great employee-services.
My first talk with a recruiter went quite well. After this first contact, I was asked to come on site for an interview with the Management team. This is where my first doubts started to arise about the company - especially about the Management. One of the top management member refused to speak English and answered strictly in German. My guess is that he barely speaks any English. His body language clearly showed that he didn't care about me and had no interest whatsoever in what I was saying and the other interviewer wasn’t prepared at all, and he didn’t ask appropriate questions. I also had a chat with a Finance Manager who asked me a few business-type questions but nothing worth mentioning.
All in all, for me this was a really bad candidate experience and I decided to withdraw my application. When I did more research on the Management Board I found some interesting yet shocking information, which supported my bad feelings and skepticism towards Centralway. Just start digging deeper into the specific companies he has “build” and/or “funded” and you’ll see!
Trotz "Absage" zu meiner Bewerbung kann ich für den Bewerbungsprozess und die involvierten Personen nur eine "Top-Note" abgeben.
Die Gespräche waren sehr nett und es wurden meiner Ansicht nach sehr sinnvolle Fragen gestellt.
Ich kann jedem Interessierten nur empfehlen keine Scheu zu haben und sich bei Centralway zu bewerben.
The whole application process has been based on a respectful manner towards the candidate. The feedback came in very quick which showed the highest appreciation for your application.
Warm and most friendly Company I have ever seen.
Already after my trial day I knew I would like to work for Centralway.
I am really happy to be here and to be part of to change the "World"
The whole process from my application till the starting date was very quick. The interviewing process is elaborate but it makes sense. I had 2 Skype interviews and one the whole day interview with a little "Task" at the end.
Everyone that I met during the process were very friendly, professional and passionate about what they do and Centralway itself.
So verdient kununu Geld.
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