4 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
People are generally open minded and approachable. Conflict is managed professionally. People are expected to be flexible. In return you can structure your day as you wish. Very performance driven culture.
A fast growing company comes with pros and cons. Be aware that over performance needs consistency and hard work.
Result driven company culture. “Whatever it takes” attitude. You can do whatever you deem necessary whenever you want, as long as you coma up with the expected results.
Up to you how you structure your day.
Great comp package that heavily focuses on performance.
As a remote first company everyone has to contribute to a good team spirit. Sometimes we tend to prioritize work and forget about pleasure.
If you ask for support you get immediately what you need. Otherwise you can work independently. It’s a good mix of presence and independence.
Very flexible. Work from anywhere if you like.
Open communication supported but you have to stand up for yourself and your team.
Rapidly evolving product and company with an amazing collection of pleasant, talented and ambitious people in all teams
It's a fun place to work. Everyone wants to help achieve something extraordinary. And yet there's always space for jokes, custom-made emojis and memes.
There are peaks sometimes, but all in all it's quite good. Working from home on 3+ days saves me a lot of commute time.
A fast growing company that generates lots of career opportunities as it evolves. Loyalty and good work are rewarded.
It's still a young company that has to be financially prudent, but the compensation is fair. Big corporations may be able to pay a bit more, but that comes with a ton of trade-offs in my experience.
Social: health and family come first in Certifaction's culture. There is a deeply rooted understanding for the individual needs for people in different situations in life. All members of the management are parents, for example.
Environment: Nobody comes to work by car. And the product itself helps companies print less and ship less documents around the globe. Digital signing is efficient.
The people of Certifaction help each other out as much as they can.
The majority of the staff is rather young, but some of the founders are older.
The office in Zürich is becoming nicer and nicer. A great place to meet face-to-face.
Friendly, open, straightforward
Certifaction is growing rapidly and engaging in multiple markets, hence there are so many things to do and to learn. Building, scaling and improving such a cool and useful product from scratch is a product manager's dream.
I respect the management, they make you feel you're on the same level and you're worth something. You can be yourself at work without feeling judged”
Employees in different locations / countries; it's hard sometime to get everybody in the same place to celebrate our success
Let the growth not change Certifaction great culture!
Certifaction aims to provide a positive and safe work environment that allows everyone to be themselves, to grow and learn, bring their best (and even have fun)
Cerfifaction understands and respects that my health and my family come first
Training program available to all employees (with a set budget per employee per year)
All employees are getting some equity into the company
Their tech has an ESG positive impact: only privacy-preserving eSigning solution, reduced carbon footprint (by saving paper and ink), fraud deterring, inclusive tech (for not tech affin person)
There's room for expression, and a family vibe. Everyone is willing to help. Nice people.
Everyone is treated respectfully and equally regardless of age
Servant leadership
Hybrid work
Very transparent company; weekly progress report, monthly all-hands meeting,...
They have an anti-discrimination and anti-harassement policy
Man wird gefördert und erhält verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeiten mit viel Selbstverantwortung. Die Startup ist sehr gut organisiert und die Kommunikationswege sind kurz. Man wird stets aufgefordert seine Meinung zu äussern und diese wird auch gehört und falls sinnvoll umgesetzt. Mit dem employee participation program wird man ausserdem auch direkt am Erfolg des Unternehmens beteiligt. Und am besten gefällt mir, dass Certifaction gewissermassen durch ein gemeinsames mindset aller Mitarbeiter geführt wird, welches Regeln und Guidelines grösstenteils obsolet macht.
Ich sehe momentan keinen Raum zur Verbesserung und bin rundum zufrieden.
Lockerer Umgang
Certifaction wird in sehr naher Zukunft Ausbildungsbudget definieren und jedem Mitarbeiter zur Verfügung stellen.
Certifaction bemüht sich aktiv, sich in der ESG Thematik stetig weiter zu verbessern.
Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Homeoffice, sehr viele Freiheiten