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Enttäuschend und demotivierend

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Checkport Schweiz AG gearbeitet.


Monatslohn for everybody who wants it on different percentage.
If it is not possible, give the stundelohn workers the chance to choose freely the days they want to work.


To every proposal or request to improve the working conditions, the answer is No.
We lost the help of kurzarbeit, because of the poor management, which is unable to keep the workers. All the people are so unhappy that they run away as soon as they have the chance and because of that, they had to hire new people, and we lost the only help we had in this coronavirus times. They treat us like irrelevant objects ignoring the consequences. They don't care about us, and this looks like a dog chasing his own tail.


Even the peko which was supposed to listen to us sent an email telling us, without mincing words, to shut up and declared fully against us all. The management inform poorly, without transparency and never takes his own responsibilities.


Good and bad people are everywhere, but if you add a lot of general malcontents, with time they became the worst version of themselves. Even the better ones lose interest in being good.


12 hours work and just 6 of them paid + often 6 days in a row + just 1 we free every month. Until the end of the month, you don't know how you will work, so you can't organize anything. Just 2 person in Dispo are a little understanding, the other ones are just rude or unprofessional.


Supervisors are treated like us, good but exhausted people that try to do their best despite the horrible working environment and conditions. Team leaders are almost all very good and helping. Management just enjoy their very well paid jobs apparently consisting is waking up every morning thinking on how they can spare money on our expenses and make our life even more miserable.

Interessante Aufgaben

The job is very interesting and various. if it was not so bad organized and paid, I would love to do it.


If you are a good worker or bad is exactly the same. Nobody care. You don't get better treatment or favor if you work better. You get favors or benefits if you are friend of someone and never criticize the management.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I've never had problems
