6 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
- Hohe Flexibilität und Entscheidungsfreiheit sowie Teamgeist.
- Immer mit positivem Blick in die Zukunft.
Bis heute nichts. Sonst wär ich nicht mehr hier.
Attraktivere Sozialleistungen
Gute Zusammenarbeit. Freundlicher Umgang. Das Start-up-Umfeld muss man in seiner Dynamik und den Prozessen sowie dem Risiko mögen. Dieses Umfeld erfordert gewisse Skills und eine gute Ausdauer .
Kann man noch besser werden
Super Miteinander. Humor und Lachen kann so viel
Gute Vorgesetzte, kein zu hoher Druck
Grosses Büro. Muss man mögen
Was soll man sagen. Blue Ocean Strategy which I like!
Die Mitgestaltung am gesamten Arbeitsprozess. Strukturen und Prozesse können neu und nach eigenen Ideen umgesetzt werden. Man kann aktiv zum Wachstum der Firma beitragen.
Gewisse Mühlen mahlen noch sehr langsam. Verbesserungsvorschläge versanden teilweise.
Alle haben das selbe Ziel und arbeiten gemeinsam darauf hin. Jeder unterstützt jeden.
Es ist ein Start-Up, jeder hat die Chance Karriere zu machen wenn die Firma weiter wächst. Weiterbildungen und Studium werden unterstützt, wenn sich für Envican auch einen Nutzen daraus ziehen lässt.
Guter Umgang miteinander bei der Arbeit, wie auch Privat, ob bei Spieleabenden oder beim gemeinsamen Bier.
Einer der besten Vorgesetzten die ich je hatte. Viele Freiheiten und eigene Ideen können immer und jederzeit eingebracht werden.
Hat Verbesserungspotential. In der Hektik gehen Teammeetings manchmal vergessen oder werden kurzfristig abgesagt.
Sehr abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit. Es macht mir Spass an einem innovativen Produkt zu arbeiten und meinen Teil, im Kampf gegen die Klimakriese, beizutragen.
I like that we can proactively tell our opinions and thoughts and that we are being heard. Things can be changed and are not carved in stone.
Decisions and answers take long, there is definitely an improvement potential.
More positive and negative feedback to the employees would be appreciated. It's good from time to time to get a praise of what was achieved and to get clear about future goals etc. and where exactly the journey will bring us. That will keep everyone motivated and informed. Also an outlook to more benefits and goodies could be motivating.
A good and loyal working atmosphere with motivated employees and positive work ethic.
We are all pulling in the same direction and that is a good feeling.
The job in a small company with not too many employees requires lots of willpower and endurance, as the job needs to be done. The will to "make it happen" and to achieve all the goals set, is very propulsive and satisfying.
Where necessary and possible, further education is being proposed and suggested. The knowledge and the experience that is being built now, I hope will be worthwhile in the future.
Only 12 salaries a year and the salary is rather on the lower side. Start-up-Company says Hello. Hopefully the business will be booming and then it's time to renegotiate the wages.
We are working to achieve an environmental awareness internally, there is certainly potential to optimize. (paper waste f.e.)
We help each other out and there is always a great team spirit and work ethic.
We have employees with all ages, nationalities etc., there was never a problem with different personalities.
They have always an open ear for input and suggestions. Your voice is heard and will be verified, but it can't always be conducted...
Nice and modern office space in an older factory building. Offers everything needed to the employees (cafeteria with free coffee, water supply, microwave). The working hours are standard for Switzerland. The production hall is functional and appropriate to the required needs. 25 days of vacation is always a plus.
Fast changing work environment, with lots of learning potential. Not always easy to get the needed information in time, but your voice is heard and if one is persistent you'll get what you need.
Equal rights for everyone. I feel like every voice is heard and is also taken seriously. The hierarchy is very flat and everyone is in charge of their own workload. If times are challenging, a helping hand is offered. No one gets mistreated for any strange reason.
I have learned so much about many different subjects and work areas and the fact that not a day is like the one before, makes working here very fascinating, informative and educational, but also challenging. Everything is created and built up from scratch and can still be adjusted and improved. I appreciate that challenge.
- Tasks are interesting
- Free to use your time however you want
- no one is really organised
- no non monetary benefits in addition to low salary
- Move from traditional to modern structures
- Care about what people say
+ Not alot of pressure while doing tasks
- There is rarely any feedback for anything. If you ask for it specifically, you MIGHT get an answer (not always).
+ Spontaneous holidays (if not too long) are usually granted
- No flexibility, long working hours, home office is not appreciated and is only accepted if there is a specific reason for it.
There are no possibilities offered
Not great - Start Up
- On the outside a green company, however there is alot of working with paper, printing every little thing, ...
+/- Great, as long as you have the same mindset.
+ No problem
- Old-fashioned mindset and either stubborn or indecisive.
+ Office and production have alot of light.
- Building a little run down. Some things dont work.
- No standing tables or other benefits
+ Regular Team Meetings, however mainly monologue of bosses
- Little to no communication. The information you get is usually only half true or half the information is missing
+ Everyone is handled in the same way. No discrimination
+ Lots of interesting tasks, as it is a Start Up
+ You can usually decide by yourself when to do what
- Lots of admin that has to be done
Friendly and kind team.
Mindset still too traditional
Have a more open mind about the home office or work rate. Create more attractive working conditions for employees instead of focusing only on product development.
Low motivation among colleagues
The company's image reflects little of reality
Too many hours of work... No time for leisure. Mental closure about the home office or a reduced work rate unless a special motivation arises.
No career possibilities.
No 13th month. Low salary compared to other companies.
The business idea would be ecological. However, too much paper is still used.
Colleagues mostly sincere and respectful
Employees are involved little in business decisions. However, there is no perceived special power from supervisors.
Comfortable open space office. However lack of adequate cafeteria for eating meals. In addition, the production part has little fresh air.
Not all information about the project is communicated openly.
No discrimination
More or less interesting tasks, but often repetitive due to lack of precise and structured work methodology by many colleagues.
The product is promising.
Official working time too long, home office not appreciated, hard to move forward because of the indecisiveness. Not an inspiring atmosphere. Lack of leadership and experience in many areas.
Review current leadership style. It is important to motivate, inspire and involve the people. Show more interest and presence.
Change the handling of home office. The only question mark about home office nowadays should be how many days per week the employer grants but not if one can do it at all.
Not the positive "let's do it" atmosphere one would expect in a young company. Only little team spirit.
High fluctuation
The days are long because of the official working time. Not much time left after work especially if you have to commute. However not a lot of pressure. It is not expected to read emails outside the working hours.
Below benchmark (startup / young company)
In some areas very good, in others not. Crossfunctional cooperation is difficult because of stubbornness.
Very little presence and leadership. Low interest in people. Decisions are barely taken. Missing inspiration. Not a modern leadership style and lack of experience.
Not great but ok.
No or very few information about the relevant projects and things going on in and around the company.
There are interesting tasks if you are not blocked.