Bad management
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
this company a high potential to become something
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
no processes no structures, bad and incompetent leadership, no change, Management does not have expertise, No appreciation of employee layoffs is common.
get rid of the incompetent management. Should not be a problem to get rid of them, the employe already carries more responsibility than the supervisor! Finally send the good employees to further training and treat them as if they were worth something !
bad atmosphere, there are so few structures and processes for the employees that they always have to organize themselves, that leads to frustration.
you get more information about the company u work for from the newspapers than from your own ceo
many are investing time out of their private lives, which is not rewarded on the contrary. Human resources is a bad joke
I've never experienced so much incompetent managment. there is hardly one with sufficient manament skills.
Interessante Aufgaben
repetition non stop even after years in which the market has changed gübelin still makes the same old things
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
even employees who are 2 years before retirement are dismissed absolutely disgusting
even after mass dismissals, there are departments that do not even have 6 square meters per workstation
I hardly know anyone who has ever received a further education let alone a wage increase
overpriced, cocky, incompetent, wanabe
almost all experts are not promoted in this company gübelin is a desaster of resignation. The only thing that change is your job title so you do not have to feel bad