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Serious management issues

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nothing really. The coffee is good (and free) and the office is rather nice, although quite cold in winter and hot in summer.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Obnoxious communication, general lack of organization and defined processes, burnout culture, changing plans within hours, leading by fear, rude tone (´Is this too difficult for you? Can you use your head for once?´), lack of communication, no opportunity for personal development, narcissistic management, unnecessary stress and pressure, arrogance, no transparency, disrespect, outrageous and unappreciative behaviour toward employees, no real possibility to advance, low wages, no bonus, laughable hiring process.


The company needs fundamental changes in its management and leadership style. Most importantly, show people they matter, appreciate their work and don´t treat them like disposables. Stop calling them on personal phones late in the evening or even on weekends because this is not an emergency room. Stop insulting employees in front of everyone, talking nasty stuff behind their backs and blaming them for literally everything that goes wrong in this company because it is mainly not their fault. Start behaving at least a bit professionally and stop discussing personal matters of employers in front of the entire office. Contemplate why almost the entire staff is turned over in one year (no, such fluctuation is not normal). Stop lying to make yourself look better and remember that people are smart enough to see those dirty games. Stop micromanaging everyone, from interns to senior employees. Get (and keep) a proper HR (that is not terrified by management) and listen to your employees because they often know much. Finally, employees don´t get motivated by listening to how extremely a lot the uppest management works (´16 hours a day every day including weekends´).


Not pleasant and demotivating, especially when the uppest management is involved. There are also often tensions between employees because of constant stress due to unrealistic deadlines and expectations, misunderstandings, and lack of structure. There is constant screaming in the office by the management and some employees are treated worse than dogs. The uppest management yells and even whistles to call a person (just like to call a dog) and bangs hand angrily on the table, while not seldom things are thrown around. Absolute circus. Decision-making is slow as even the smallest decisions have to go via management. Teams have no real independence and knowledge sharing is minimal.


What´s that?


Most employees are team players and quite competent. However, due to constant stress and unnecessary interference from management it is quite difficult to work. Altogether, employees are nice but this is probably overrated as there is a huge contrast in behaviour between management and employees. In this company, even a normal-behaving colleague is a blessing. But still, lunchtime is usually spent alone as almost nobody cares to have lunch together with colleagues. Social interactions outside of work are actively discouraged from management.


The management has its own definition of work-life balance, which includes 24/7 working, also during holidays, emails at 2 a.m., and expectations that also employees should have such unhealthy lifestyle.


Although management promised some improvements, the management structure and the number of managers have remained the same. While someone can disappear for a half day without any sanctions, some employees have to write very detailed daily updates and justify every minute they work (´I throw a ton of money out of the window every month for salaries´). Employees are often seen as parasites that do nothing but steal money. Employees working from home are constantly checked with disturbing phone calls. Sick people are forced to go to the office (`I need you here!`) and employees are often bothered when on sick leave or holidays.

Interessante Aufgaben

Work is sometimes interesting but quite repetitive.


All employees are treated equally badly, irrespective of gender or age.


There are no bonuses or any other benefits. There is even no Christmas lunch/dinner organised (`I won´t pay people to eat`)! Overtime is expected to be done for free (´this is normal for this industry´) and employees have to fight really hard to get fair compensations. There is also a tactic to manipulate employees by postponing contract discussions and interns who have just finished their 6-month contract often receive the new contract on the last day, with no time for negotiations, and are forced to sign bad contracts.


Not well received by employees and the constant loosing of clients also tells a lot. The retention rate is extremely low.


Neither really a thing here. There are sometimes some promotions but these are not reflected in the salary although they often require much more responsibilities and longer (unpaid) working hours. Absolutely no advanced education is supported or offered. As there is a tendency to hire as many interns as possible, quite some people without any real experience need supervising from employees who are already overloaded. There is absolutely no onboarding program and new employees are usually just thrown into the water and need to learn their job the very hard way.

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