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1 Bewertung von Mitarbeitern

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Banking like 20 years ago. Zero digitalisation, borderline business, big salaries.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The bank ownership by the family is great. They are truly gentlemen and keep working side by side with you. A very unique and great factor. Also, there are many sympathic employees inside the bank. They pay good salaries, but don’t expect any side benefits.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The IT infrastructure and systems are a desaster, sorry to say that. Everything is overcomplicated and not client friendly. One example? Try to check the official PKB „app“ and have a look at design and last updates. Also: No screens in the meeting rooms in 2023? Having client reports who fail to show a correct performance, not even mentioning the poor design? There are many good employees, led by some very poor bosses in various departments.


There is a very low employee fluctuation. Which sounds very good, in the beginning. However, finally it only leads to zero innovation. Backoffice and Bosses are all in Lugano, working from another branch (Zurich or Geneva) is very difficult. PKB should consider having some backoffice and compliance officers in Geneva and Zurich and having capable branch heads who understand their business, representing their employee‘s needs efficiently.


There are very very great and nice colleagues to work with, led by some poor bosses.


Just google PKB and Petrobras…


Nothing better or worse than in other institutes.


Only in Lugano (HQ)


Great salary, but no side benefits. And pension fund is only 50-50.


Filtered water is a great way of fighting against bottles of water. Other than that, nothing to be mentioned.


Super great colleagues in Zurich

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Many older colleagues, working for many years at PKB. Once you‘re at PKB, I feel it is a great place to retire.


Inacceptable in Zurich. Screaming at (all) people, staring at mobile while talking, disrespecting people, not listening to them. Narcissm at his highest expression. Never again, thank you.


Incredibly bad systems. Remember the old Alcatel phones? Were still there in beginning of 2023. No digitalisation. Overcomplicated procedures. Old offices and infrastructure. If you are nostalgic and miss the first 2000‘s, you will love it.


Always first the rumors, then the news. Not a great way of communication.


There are men and women working in various positions, good and fair.

Interessante Aufgaben

Banking, just more complicated
