What you see is not what you get
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Industry, idea of the product
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Leadership, communication, working conditions, reliability, culture.
Respect the employees more
Hold your promises
Be consistent
Representative office, which is not taking in account what the needs of the employee are.
Often unclear, changes a lot and also gives obviously wrong information to externs.
Employees hold together and work normally hard, but real exchange is not allowed. Information flow is very much restricted and controlled.
Not really considered, company first. After a long flight of 7 hours or more crossing different time zones you are normally expected to appear in the office right after it, sometimes with taking a short shower in between. Do expect to be bothered by business topics during your leisure time, even if they are not really important.
Intransparent communication, which is not always consistent and no real open platform to share opinions. Strategy is often unclear, is mostly communicated in short oral announcements according to changing situations and can not be relied on.
Interessante Aufgaben
Tasks can be interesting and vary a lot, responsibility is held low and self-initiative is not awarded.
Old fashioned and man-oriented company.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Acceptable, but philosophy is more emphasizing on young people with lower experience.
The promises made in the beginning often appear to be misleading and will be downgraded after a while. Your working hours are monitored with the stop watch.
No specific focus on this
Salaries and other fringe benefits are normally set to a higher level at the beginning to be lowered gradually. Be aware that your contract can be changed from one day to the other and that promises initially made are not respected. If you were told to fly business expect to fly economy in real life.
The image still is not where it should be. Marketing can be powerful, but there is not so much behind. Expect that prototypes are announced for years before eventually they are commercialized, or being completely withdrawn from communication channel.
No specific career planning, chances are coming with opportunities out of the blue.