19 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
19 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
17 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen19 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
17 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Everything was said, there is a lot of room to improve. Poor management is the only problem there. If that changes, the company could grow quite strong and fast.
You can either be a born leader or a developed one. This one is none of that.
Gossips are a huge thing there, mostly coming from "above".
Advice for the management, let the people do their job and you just take care that they have projects to work on.
Colleagues are the ones that are carrying that weight, you will always hear a nice word or get recognised for a job good done.
Management is responsible to destroy everything with their micromanagement, almost none existing leadership skills and live on gossips and threats.
Nothing special to report here.
Just be sure that management is in a good mood before you ask for anything.
There is no clear vision here.
Again, if you sell your importance good there is a small possibility window that you will maybe be considered as an training candidate.
The chemistry between colleagues and different departmentathat happened was unique.
Something you don't see every day.
There was a tendency not to hire people above certain age.
It was a huge topic when I arrived there, during my time at the company and after I left. The fact that company had to resolve many conflicts in front of a judge, paying huge compensations should be enough for you to understand what is happening there.
Nice office, great location.
Just don't ask for new equipment.
Again, it will happen that you will see your colleagues trying to communicate, resolve conflicts and learn on their mistakes.
It is the management that is under impression that they don't have the obligation to communicate, resolve conflicts or that they are able to make mistakes. If I would have to use one word it would have been pathetic.
Just make sure that you sell your work as indispensable (lack of management awareness developed weird salary differences).
Not sure what to say about this, there was some underestimating towards some of the colleagues.
There was always something interesting to work on.
even in times of corona when only 2-3 ppl were in the office it was a pleasure to come to work.
My subjective opinion would be 3-4 star, but that is due to my private situation and my position. but all in all everyone can take vacation any time, there is almost never any decline, except in some cases (getting vacation for 2 weeks in 1 day's notie) which is completely fine to be declined.
Family at Acrontum comes first. Thats where the social aspect kicks in. Had several colleagues coming late, going early, as there were family matters to attend to. Never saw this being a problem.
You get many chances, if you look for a certification you want to make and that makes sense you get the chance. There is lots of learning on the job as many ppl are technically on a senior level, and everyone is helpful and goes the extra mile to explain concepts and technologies.
I did a specialization in a specific subfield of broad IT that was something off the company charts, so there was not much to do here, but if I wanted to change topic into different directions, the possibility would have been given.
would not complain here as I did not when I was still working at acrontum. So from my perspective all fine
As in the title it is one of the top priorities. The company tries to be as less waste free as possible, and not everything will be discarded, but solutions found how to best make use of old stuff.
I could write a 1000 pages on this. it is truly like a family and ppl are there for each other all the time. seems wirh some it is truly more like sterile work relationship, but more like frendship.
well we do not had many "older" colleagues but age is not an issue with any position. All older colleagues (older in a sense in terms of age and not working for a long time at the company) are all young in spirits, open minded. they are respected like everyone else.
the same as with the communication part. We had some differences, but those can be addressed openly. No matter how big the differences are if you address them, it is being talked about, which is the first step in making things better.
thats why even though it was not all perfect (it never is and never will be at any company ever) but the approach is one of the best.
This is one other thing where Acrontum is also outstanding. Heard from external vendors coming to the office once in a while stating, you guys have some nice equipment, wish we were having these. Hight adjustable desks for everyone. State of the art office chairs. renovated office (2021) with lots of meeting rooms.
Well... communication is one key aspect which is not ideal, but I have seen far worse. so all in all in comparison to other positions I was working in I would say its okay, especially that there were lots of efforts made to make it better, and it seems to work.
ohh yes, that is one double-edged sword. as you see lots of technologies, but if too many new things come together it can be a bit too much. But yes, very interesting tasks.
It is a good company to work for. Different projects, short decision way, communication with teammates, modern designed office, awesome coffee
Nothing to mention here.
The employer always asks employees' opinion and has improved a lot since past year(s).
The team creates friendly and supportive atmosphere
Home office is a big plus
the company doesn't provide courses and training, but if you come with the ideas for external training, they most likely will be paid by the company
Everything is fine
good collaboration and support, professional teammates from all over the world
modern office and equipment, laptop is allowed for private use
Great communication inside the team, colleagues feel comfortable with each other
as the team is small, you may get different tasks and more professional experience, even may switch the department
salary, atmosphere with lots of motivation, interesting projects
Nothing noticed (yet)
So far everything is fine
The office is very pleasant. People usually work quietly and concentrated in the office, while the kitchen and leisure rooms are used for conversations.
Has a good image with large customers as a versatile and fast IT service provider. One also tries to make a name for oneself with other large customers and to become better known among applicants.
Overtime is apparently very rare. I had not had any (yet)
There are regular show&tell sessions, workshops, hackathons and individual training budgets.
Good salary for the company of such size and given the interesting tasks/atmosphere
You help each other and also have the time to do so in your own tasks.
Managers are always solution-oriented instead of belittling someone or snatching recognition
A lot of emphasis is placed on communication (monthly meetings, much transparency in the documents/wikis). One wants to break up the departmental silos. In Corona times you spend a lot of time in the home office and there communication is even more important and you try to achieve better communication with video telephony, screen sharing, etc. Only rarely do colleagues answer urgent requests a little later while they are in the home office.
Above average proportion of women (for IT company). Also some middle-aged and experienced colleagues present.
Different projects in different technologies. The colleagues are versatile in their competence and interested in learning new things. They also get the chance to do so.
Interessante Projekte, internationales Team, sehr eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten
Parkplatzsituation rund um das Büro
The employer is supporting the employees in every single way during those uncertain times. Employees even got paid a bonus in March and supplies masks. A big thanks for that!
Very professional handling of the Corona situation. There is nothing else acrontum could do to support us.
-die Möglichkeit, Home Office zu machen sowie die Bereitstellung jeglicher Dinge, die man im Home Office benötigen könnte
-klare Kommunikation
-tägliche virtuelle Kaffeepausen gemeinsam
Ich fühle mich wunderbar unterstützt!
Great team and office!
Leadership and execution is just sad.
The upper management should function only as an investor or developer, lean back and let someone with experience or at least some academic degree or understanding of business take the lead...
Beautiful office, great location and entertainment.
The customers know what is going on... but project delivery always seemed to work.
The office and the people made the workplace more appealing than my home :D.
For me it was a step back in the career, especially with the low salary.
BUT I also did not get a single training or certification, although it was promised mult. times.
Same for my colleagues.
Would be 5 stars if everyone would get their money as agreed on in the contracts.
Best colleagues ever.
There are no old people, but if, then they will have a good time.
Leader are born or trained. He is far away from all of those scenarios.
He seems super nice until he eats away your food, randomly cancels your meetings, does not pay your salary or just less than agreed on, promises something and won't stick to it, is not letting anyone just do their work (micro management),...
Just a few months in and 3 colleagues cried in meeting rooms multiple times out of desperation and frustration because of this guy.
Worst part about it is that he does not care about what he is doing with people and he is not changing a bit - although he knows what he is doing because he openly talks about it and admits he is doing something wrong (obviously).
Everything is fine in the development department, but Consulting, Administration,... is just a mess.
There have been a few incidents...
There was always something interesting to do, though the company sticks to one big BMW project. If that one goes away / will be done. Things will start to look different...
Fast growth resulting in lacking processes
Improve communication
Nice offices, great team events, modern equipment.
Very good.
More trainings could be offered
Great vibe, cool people to work with, young & international colleagues
Sometimes communication is not clear enough.
Could be improved, but is getting better and better
Ich als Werkstudent empfinde die Arbeitsatmosphäre bei Acrontum als überaus angenehm. Stößt man auf Probleme und weiß nicht weiter, so lässt die Hilfe vom Team nicht lange auf sich warten. In regelmäßigen Mitarbeitergesprächen bekomme ich Feedback von meinen Vorgesetzten und kann mich somit stetig verbessern.
Als Fernstudent benötige ich häuft für Prüfungsphasen Urlaub, um mich auf die anstehenden Leistungsnachweise vorzubereiten. Auch für spontane Projekte und Info Veranstaltungen benötige ich gelegentlich eine Auszeit.
Sofern ich meinem Vorgesetzten rechtzeitig bescheid sage, wird und wurde mir bis jetzt immer der benötigte Urlaub gewährt.
Am Ende des Tages werden alle Monitore abgeschaltet und überprüft ob die Fenster geschlossen sind.
Der Umgang mit den Kollegen ist sehr freundlich und eher direkt. Da die Firma noch sehr Jung ist und viele vor relativ kurzer Zeit bei Acrontum angefangen haben, kennt jeder jeden. Neue werden in die Gemeinschaft integriert und finden schnell Anschluss.
Ein Teamevent pro Quartal stärkt zudem den Zusammenhalt.
Moderne Laptops inclusive Docking stations, mehrere Monitore je Mitarbeiter und aktuelles Equipment gehören zur Standardausrüstung.
Auch zur Erholung gehören ein Hobbyraum inclusive PS4, Nintendo Wii und Billardtisch.
Es gibt einmal pro Monat ein größeres Meeting, welches einen aktuellen Einblick über laufende Projekte und Entwicklungen in der Firma gewährt.
Im "Daily Standup"- Meeting werden Tagesziele besprochen und gemeinsame Abhängigkeiten geklärt.
Gerade die Aufgabenvielfalt ist für mich als Werkstudent ein großer Pluspunkt.
Ich bin in der Entwicklung, als Administrator, oder als IT-Support in vielen Bereichen Tätig und kann so wertvolle Erfahrungen sammeln.
Auch eigenverantwortliche Projekte helfen mir mich weiterzuentwickeln.
So verdient kununu Geld.