After having invested body and soul, a waste of time!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
I enjoyed the beginning when the company was on a human scale with about 50 employees and we knew what to do or who to activate to solve problems and sell cars while ensuring customers satisfaction. Nowadays employees don't spend time together like even drinking a beer at the end of the day and go home as soon as possible because they are exhausted of the daily negatives feedbacks or fights.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Recruiting staff from Stellantis thinking that it will bring you closer to Stellantis is a mistake. The competing importer has fired all his ex Stellantis staff which allows him to survive and perform better today. The Stellantis staff is a bureaucracy system that should be avoided. It is better to have employees from different backgrounds "thinking outside of the box" and bringing fresh and accessible ideas with simple solutions in relation to the needs of customers.
Recruitment has been poorly done, employees pass their manager's evaluations if they get well together. Unfortunately, when it is time to work and you have a deadline, it is never done and the customers get angry and do not want to hear about AEC anymore because of the lack of solidarity and follow-up of the different tasks / issues coming from the internal departments and they refuse to communicate with clients. It is very sad and frustrating.
Office is desert, only interns are sitting and making the presence.
A lot of talk, but nothing concrete. A waste of time. Too many problems too solve and employees like to slow down and make processes which will be forgotten.
All depressed / upset / or into another world.
Not existing because it is necessary to do the work alone since other departments do not provide any support. Yes they promote Work life balance but i don't see for who it is ?
Managers disregard your goals and increase them. You are then put down, and they put pressure on you. When the target is miraculously met, you are told you can do better and more is asked of you the following month.
Interessante Aufgaben
It is simple, internal departments are pushing tasks back. You should send a minimum of 10 reminders and follow up each single case yourself to hope having a feedback which is often negative or where they don't know so they don't reply.
When employees decide to come to the office, there are not enough sitting places.
They plant trees to sell pick-ups with 500gr of C02
Work more for less ! You should sacrifice yourself for the company. And if you dreamed to excellent sales results they will cut you off and said your earn enough !
It looks good from the outside, but then you see the inside you want to run away
If you are Italian from Stellantis you may have a chance to get promoted directly