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All that glitters is not gold

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The office is centrally located and easily accessible.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

When you come to work here, you go crazy and get depressed. If you don't need good words about your work, appreciation or promotions, this is the place to be.


Keep up with the times and pay salaries that are in line with the requirements and the position, otherwise the company will only remain a stopover for many employees.


Line managers do not praise anyone who is not their favourite. There is a "bonus system" that mostly benefits the managers themselves or their favourites.


No proper communication is given in this company.


Some colleagues are more than that, but not all.


In fact, it should have been 0 stars. There is no work-life balance. Home Office is not viewed well by senior management and is completely cancelled from one day to the next. High amount of overtime expected without any compensation.


No communication between managers and employees. No support is given to new employees.


Only if you are one of the favourites of the management.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

As soon as colleagues leave the company (regardless of how long they have been there), nobody remembers them. Some of them were with the company for more than 20 years and there was no farewell.


Open-plan office. Very noisy. You need earplugs to be able to concentrate.


A lot is promised, but little is kept.
Compared to the same job in Hamburg, the salaries are 20% lower than usual (it is easy to compare this on several websites and job exchanges). The holidays are no longer up to date, no 13th salary, no bonus payments worth mentioning.


After more than 7 years in Hamburg, other shipping companies are still surprised to hear that Anglo-Eastern (Germany) has his office in Hamburg.


You get a lot of obstacles thrown in your way if you are not one of the favourites.


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