11 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
11 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten11 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The office is centrally located and easily accessible.
When you come to work here, you go crazy and get depressed. If you don't need good words about your work, appreciation or promotions, this is the place to be.
Keep up with the times and pay salaries that are in line with the requirements and the position, otherwise the company will only remain a stopover for many employees.
Line managers do not praise anyone who is not their favourite. There is a "bonus system" that mostly benefits the managers themselves or their favourites.
After more than 7 years in Hamburg, other shipping companies are still surprised to hear that Anglo-Eastern (Germany) has his office in Hamburg.
In fact, it should have been 0 stars. There is no work-life balance. Home Office is not viewed well by senior management and is completely cancelled from one day to the next. High amount of overtime expected without any compensation.
You get a lot of obstacles thrown in your way if you are not one of the favourites.
Some colleagues are more than that, but not all.
As soon as colleagues leave the company (regardless of how long they have been there), nobody remembers them. Some of them were with the company for more than 20 years and there was no farewell.
No communication between managers and employees. No support is given to new employees.
Open-plan office. Very noisy. You need earplugs to be able to concentrate.
No proper communication is given in this company.
A lot is promised, but little is kept.
Compared to the same job in Hamburg, the salaries are 20% lower than usual (it is easy to compare this on several websites and job exchanges). The holidays are no longer up to date, no 13th salary, no bonus payments worth mentioning.
Only if you are one of the favourites of the management.
Amazing people - you can call anyone and they will do their best to help you.
pension fond , additional health insurance payed by employee
no transparency
open for new forms of working team wise together. more mix in the leader board
equal payment
not trustworthy
Supplier and Partners locally are not happy with response and policy of AE specially on the local market
high amount of overtime expected without any compensation. Home office is only theory and is given only for privileged persons or on emergency
not seen
good in group bad not good in office
direct principals do not deligate jobs and do not communicate less support is given even to new personal. Basics in leadership are not known. Clear answers are seldom and mostly not given in correct way
small overcrowded office makes concentrated work very difficult
okay on same level but bad from principals
different payment for same job between EU personal and Indian personal. only small extras
huge gap between Indian and European employees
unable from leadership to set rules in this
Friendly open people who like working together
Warm-hearted colleagues
Elderly colleagues are treated with respect
Supervisors are totally committed, friendly and open for suggestions
Regular team events and everyone is valued
Nothing. Even the office is old and overcrowded. Too many people in a small space.
Probably everything. Coming to work here will drive you crazy and get you depressed.
New management, less apodictic employees, more forward-thinking people, much higher salaries.
the atmosphere is awful! There are favourites who can do whatever they like (e.g. the 2 Ho days per week rule, some even have 4 days!) They like to show that they consider themselves better than others. The management invites only selected people to lunches, forget about bonuses.....
They pretend to have a great image but it is nonsense.
Home Office is possible twice a week.
Not much money for a lot of work.
I have never worked in such a terrible team. Terrible people, no culture, no empathy.
No face-to-face annual interviews, no job encouragement, no bonuses.
millions of emails and when it comes time, nobody knows anything. A very unorganised company.
There is no equality. The Indian workers behave like gods who can do whatever they want. The Germans in this company are little ants.
Open door policy, Manager immer ansprechbar,
Arbeitszeiten werden flexibel gehandelt, es wird weitesgehend Rücksicht genommen auf Sonderwünsche
Es wird bestrebt
Es wird gefördert und empfohlen
Es gibt in den Abteilungen jeweilige Grüppchen, die auch after work drinks nehmen oder andere Aktivitäten
Hat sich in den letzten Monaten deutlich verbessert
Equipment wird regelmäßig ausgetauscht, einige Abteilungen sitzen mit mehreren Personen in einem größeren Raum, da kann es schon lauter werden
Könnte manchmal besser sein
Gehälter richten sich nach dem Markt, es gibt ein Bonussystem und bAV sowie betriebliche Zusatzkrankenversicherung werden bezahlt
D, E&I ist Leitsatz; die Besetzung von Positionen ist vom Geschlecht völlig unabhängig
Es ist viel Arbeit und jeder kann sich einbringen
Einige Kollegen sind sehr gut, andere sind sehr schlecht
High Fluctuation, even in the management.
Overtime is expected, trust based working hours are exploited by some. Since the managing director's darling, no one dares to say anything.
favoritism, Colleagues were bullied after being promoted because others thought they deserved the promotion more.
crowded and loud office
Barely Existing
Only for favorites
Behandlung der Mitarbeiter
Etwas Europäischer werden
Schlechte Behandlung von Mitarbeitern
Büro Id Innenstadt (Großraumbüro- sehr sehr laut)
Nicht so gut- sehr unterschiedliche Religionen
So verdient kununu Geld.