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Hire and Fire !Worst company where I have been working. Dont make the mistake and send your Resume there !!

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Logistik / Materialwirtschaft gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nothing is positive at this company.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Everything is bad at this company. No future for new talents.
Typical hire and fire system.


Human Rights should be here respected. But they are not.
The management should take courses how to speak with people.
Also they should management should take courses how to handle stress.


No one likes each other. Every day is a crazy rat race. The Management makes the atmosphere catastrophic. Every one wants to leave the company. Dont make the mistake and send there your resume.


There are is no communication. No one can say something. Everyone is scared to say their own opinion. Ferrari Headquater Germany should know how people are treated here.


Forget to get friends at this company. After one week of work you will have more enemies than in your whole life.


Typical hire and fire system. Some people work 2 months here and get fired or want to be fired because of the crazy and sick atmosphere.


The Chefs shouldn't work with any people in their life. They have complete no plan and idea for the company. What is important for them is to pay less as possible on the market and after a short period of time to fire the person. They make also the atmosphere not friendly for to work with.

Interessante Aufgaben

It depends. But still the same story. But in the end that is all a joke. Your ideas will never go through.


Making jokes about other employees is not the best way how to manage the company.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No Human Rights at this company.


Dealer Ferrari working with old Windows System.
All systems are old. Nothing is working fast. Very bad.


They are absolutely not ECO friendly.


You will earn more in other companies. Even Seat or Nissan is paying better.


Outside it looks very good, inside this is a real disaster.


You can not develop yourself. You can be fired every day. So actually there is 100% no future to stay for longer.
