Mature and professional Start-Up
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Clear vision of where the company is going.
- Strong product
- Good salary for start up
- Virtual Share Program
- Bright and engaging colleagues
- Acknowledge employee concerns (for example recent improvement in WFH conditions)
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Product is DE only, so missing international feel compared to some other startups
- Can feel quite conservative and risk averse at times, but definitely more positive than 'hire & fire' cultures at other startups
- Continue to work on keeping communication clear and transparent. It sometimes feels that messages can be lost as the company grows.
- Improve delivery of communication. It seems like the meeting structure hasn't changed to accommodate 100 plus people
- Work on the development of new managers
- However I believe these initiatives are being worked on and the company is trying to make efforts in the right direction.