One of the worst jobs I ever had! Poor payment + unorganised management + maximum stress...
The staff is the treasure and this is how you should also treat it!
I have seen trainees spit up in the toilet to cry!
I have seen staff on their first day.... trying to catch air and feeling unwelcomed!
I have seen so much more... and enough! So I just hope for the new people who want to work at the Bank Brasserie & Bar are being welcomed and appreciated more!
Managers don´t encourage or motivate, only "team challenges" are set every month, with which they train staff to sell specific drinks or dishes, to push revenue.
Not adequate rather insulting to workers.
It depends, the more smarter ones it is fine to work with and they unerstand what team work really means.
They never force to work on specific days, you can be flexible and if you can communicate your desired working days, it is usually no problem.
They want maximum performance, for minimum compensation. They are still very young, so they can not prioritise and can not weigh up on what to put emphasis on. To make everyone happy (guests) is a nice sentence, but it has to be lived first with the employes. In stressful situations they should convey composure instead of looking for the faults with the staff. Especially in a five star hotel busines, this is highly unprofesional and from the human perspective - humiliating! Everyone is really trying their best every day, but they always find one tiny thing where they can put with the finger on and blame you for it! Sad, but true!
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
haven´t seen to many over 50...