29 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
29 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
27 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen29 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
27 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Free fruits
CELUS presents itself as an innovative workplace, but recent developments have raised serious concerns. In late 2024, the entire marketing team was unexpectedly let go just days before Christmas. This decision followed months of questionable leadership choices, including dismissing capable employees and appointing underqualified individuals to key positions.
Leadership appears to prioritize influence over merit, with the loudest and most attention-seeking voices quickly rising to senior roles. The office culture has become increasingly political, rewarding those who focus on managing upward rather than delivering results.
Adding to the concern, the company currently employs up to 10 HR staff while having no dedicated marketing team—a decision that raises questions about organizational priorities and strategic direction.
Furthermore, instead of offering competitive pay raises, CELUS encourages employees to accept company stocks as compensation, often convincing them to opt for stocks over salary increases. While this might appeal to some, it leaves others feeling undervalued and raises doubts about the company's long-term financial strategy.
There is also an unusual dynamic between the CEO and the head of HR. Decision-making authority often appears to rest with HR, as the CEO and the HR head maintain a notably close relationship, regularly commuting, socializing, and even vacationing together. This creates the perception of blurred lines in leadership roles and responsibilities, undermining confidence in the company’s direction.
For those seeking a transparent, merit-based workplace with balanced resource allocation and competitive compensation, these factors are worth considering.
Prioritize Transparent and Merit-Based Leadership:
Decision-making should be grounded in performance and merit rather than personal relationships or office politics. Establish clear criteria for promotions and leadership appointments to restore employee confidence.
Balance Resource Allocation:
Reassess the disproportionate investment in HR versus other critical teams, such as marketing. A well-rounded team structure is essential for sustainable growth and achieving company goals.
Offer Competitive Compensation Packages:
While stock options can be a valuable incentive, they should complement—not replace—fair salary increases. Employees should feel appropriately compensated for their contributions in both the short and long term.
Clarify Leadership Roles:
Address the perception of blurred authority between the CEO and HR. Defining clear boundaries and responsibilities for each leadership role will improve accountability and decision-making processes.
Focus on Employee Retention and Engagement:
Firing capable employees, especially during critical periods like the holidays, damages trust and morale. CELUS should invest in retaining and supporting its workforce by fostering a positive and secure work environment.
Develop a Strategic Marketing Plan:
Rebuild the marketing team to ensure the company has the resources needed to drive brand growth and customer engagement. Marketing is a vital component of any successful business and should not be overlooked.
Weak leadership.
Clear communication and pretty straight forward. Great work!
Amazing atmosphere because we are surrounded with amazing people!
Image of the company match reality
Nothing to complain, really well balanced!
Great career opportunities and great opportunities to grow
So far, I have nothing to complain
Environment and climate protection is taken into consideration
So far so good and great additions to the company
Didn't have enough time to evaluate properly
Amazing! Always available to help
In general great conditions but sometimes AC is too cold or not working and second monitor requested was denied
Clear and straight forward communication!
For sure, it seems pretty well balanced
Tasks are also pretty well balanced
The work atmosphere is dynamic and motivating, with supportive colleagues and a positive environment that encourages growth.
CELUS has a strong and positive reputation, known for its innovation and excellence in the industry.
CELUS offers a great work-life balance, ensuring that employees can manage their professional and personal lives effectively.
There are ample opportunities for career growth and continuous learning, supported by various training programs and development initiatives.
The salary and benefits are competitive, reflecting the company’s commitment to employee well-being.
CELUS is committed to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, actively supporting green initiatives.
The sense of unity among colleagues is strong, fostering a collaborative spirit where everyone supports one another.
Older colleagues are valued for their experience and wisdom, contributing significantly to the team’s success.
The management is approachable and supportive, always ready to provide guidance and encouragement.
The work environment is modern and well-equipped, ensuring comfortable and productive conditions.
Communication here is transparent and open, making it easy to stay informed and connected with the team.
Diversity and equality are core values at CELUS, creating a respectful and inclusive workplace for everyone.
The tasks are varied and challenging, providing opportunities to learn and grow with each project.
Many attractive benefits: lunch, snacks, drinks, wellpass, various events, etc.
Poor transparency, inexperienced management that does the best they can.
Die inspirierende und motivierende Arbeitsatmosphäre, bei der alle Mitarbeitenden respektiert und geschätzt werden.
Es herrscht ein tolles Betriebsklima. Es gibt verschiedene, flexibel wählbare Arbeitsplätze, es herrscht ein guter Austausch zwischen den Abteilungen und eine sehr offene Kommunikation.
Es gibt eine 40-Stunden Woche. Jeder Mitarbeiter und jede Mitarbeiterin kann sich seine Arbeitszeit jedoch selbstständig einteilen. Außerdem gibt es Angebote wie Home Office oder Workation.
CELUS achtet sehr auf Nachhaltigkeit. Als Firmenwägen werden E-Autos benutzt, in der Küche findet man ausschließlich fair und nachhaltig hergestellte Snacks und auch bei der Auswahl von Werbemitteln (z.B. Hoodies oder Taschen) wird auf Umweltschutz sowie die Förderung sozialer Projekte und regionaler Produkte geachtet.
Die Ziele des Unternehmens werden klar kommuniziert. Es gibt mehrmals Feedback-Runden, um sich auszutauschen und weiterzuentwickeln. Dabei wird auf ein professionelles Vorgehen und konstruktive Kritik geachtet.
CELUS möchte Diversität und Gleichberechtigung fördern. Das Team besteht aus Mitarbeitenden aus über 30 verschiedenen Nationen und alle werden gleichermaßen behandelt und gefördert.
Obwohl es mein erstes Praktikum in dieser Branche war, durfte ich eigenständig an verschiedenen Projekten arbeiten. Dabei wurde mir stets die Freiheit gegeben, anzumerken, welche Bereiche / Tätigkeiten mich besonders interessieren und woran ich daher am liebsten arbeiten wollte.
Man wird als Praktikant wie ein vollwertiger Mitarbeiter behandelt, das Team ist sehr freundlich, hilfsbereit und alles in allem einfach großartig. Als Praktikant darf man zwar nicht bezahlt werden, aber dafür bezahlt die Firma einem das Mitagessen in der Kantine. Ich wurde stehts mit interessanten Aufgaben versogt und habe meine Zeit dort sehr genossen.
Gar nichts. Das einzige Problem für manche, könnte Englisch als firmeninterne Sprache sein. Ohne die nötigen Englischkentnisse könnte man sich Potenziel schwer tun, aber wenn man kein Problem damit hat, gibt es an der Firma nichts zu bemängeln.
Sehr sehr schöne Möglichkeiten.
I was lucky enough to start as a working student and grow into my current role within the company. If you're looking for a work-life balance and an environment where you can be yourself while still being challenged, this is the place for you!
I can't think of any bad things to say about this company. They're really working hard to improve their processes, which is great.
The company is a really great place to work — the atmosphere is fun and casual, but still professional. Everyone here is extremely friendly, and there's always something going on at the office (like parties or team events).
I think the company is doing a great job in providing opportunities for growth within the company.
The team is just amazing. Everyone was so supportive, and it was easy to get my work done. I loved how productive everyone was!
I love the flexibility of the work from the office or remotely. I think it is a huge plus that we are able to use the latest equipment, like MacBook Pro or an Apple headset.
Equality is one of the company's values. They don't just put it on paper and forget about it — they actually do everything they can to promote this value in the everyday lives of their employees.
Office, lunch
Usually ok, used to be better
It’s a startup
Good team
no clear vision, strategy changes every few months.
Management talks a lot, but Info doesn’t reach workforce
Product is good, tasks are cool
Great team and super flexible with providing equipment. Time flexible when needed and supportive when necessary
Very friendly and family like atmosphere
This is more connected to the role - I had to be available 24/7, but in a good way
Probably the best there is!
Great variety
Clear and easy communication between the colleagues and management
So verdient kununu Geld.