9 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
7 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
7 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Die Verkehrsanbindung, die netten Mitarbeiter aber auch der Abstand zur Arbeit.
Nicht vieles. Man wird respektvoll behandelt solange man seine Arbeit macht
Ein Snackautomat. Das wäre doch mal was
Arbeitsklima ist soweit ganz gut
Arbeitszeiten sind nicht sehr angenehm
Mehr Leute einstellen damit die Arbeit sich aufteilt
Friendly colleagues, open communication and involvement no matter what is your position at the company. A CEO who is inspiring when speaking to employees or for clients. Emerging product, which is inspiring.
Product, which is not proven yet to be a success -> if you are working in a customer facing role, you will feel that! Remember: The industry has to still accept it!
High employee turnover, a lot of people come and go
Unclear process management
Invest on HR (hire an experienced recruiter and at least a part-time office manager) and Finance (hire a billing specialist/accountant to take care of invoices for the clients and controlling) by hiring more experienced people - too much workload currently on those departments and lack of knowledge some important processes. Don't save on costs by hiring interns and working students for these positions - on long term you need to have experienced people in these positions!!!! Make sure to stack all teams based on the workload. Not all departments have clear goals (at the time when I was there): Clarify marketing's role to work more sales orientated and make them responsible for generating leads via company website.
Find a new office aka lower requirements while searching one ;)
Sometimes I feel that they hype themselves a bit too much - they still have to prove themselves by selling their solution for at least one of the larger chains in Germany and increase the usability of the existing clients - they are not there yet and have to to still prove themselves.
Most of the employees stay there 1-2 years
Friendly people working at TrustYou
Everyone is quite young at conichi ;)
It felt sometimes that all departments were rowing on their own boat...
Everyone has a say and everyone has room to grow. conichi has a very honest culture which I really like.
Nothing really.
Going forward we'll have to move out of the office to get more space but it is hard to give the place up where it all began and I'll miss the incredible sunsets!
Super nice office & great teams
conichi is pretty popular in the industry. It is fun to be part of that and benefit from it.
Work-Life-Balance is good! conichi offers home office some days a month which is great.
There is plenty of opportunity here and the company grows fast, with that there are always new positions to grow into.
We do try to recycle and are getting much better at it.
Some teams are closer than others but everyone is in it together. conichi rockets support each other :)
The entire team is pretty young but we do not talk about age much :)
Everyone is challenged at conichi and has great opportunity to learn and progress. Managers give good feedback and support team members to grow within their role or up the latter.
The office is beautiful and right in the middle of the tech center of Berlin.
Cross-department communication can always be improved but quarterly all hands meetings keep everyone up to date
The whole conichi project is a big challenge and everyone really has stake in the progress. The tasks are usually pretty hands-on and full with responsibility.
Ich hatte einige spannende Jobs in Beratungen und Start-ups - niemals hatte ich aber eine Lernkurve wie bei conichi. Jeden Tag habe ich etwas neues dazu gelernt, bin gescheitert und habe gewonnen. Für meine persönliche Entwicklung war conichi bis heute der absoluter Booster.
Es ist rau, schnell und man muss viel Gas geben um Vorne dabei zu bleiben.
Gerade das macht mir jedoch viel Spaß!
Tolles Produkt und vielversprechende Perspektive,
Internationelles Flair
Tolles Team - sehr hilfsbereit
Tolle Truppe
Viel Elan, viel Know-How vorhanden
Awesome team spirit and everybody can make an impact - doesn't matter who has the idea as long as it's great!