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İt's a bumpy road for Dornier ahead

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Dornier MedTech GmbH in Weßling gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

New employees get good training and structure. Lots to learn.
People are kept in the loop about company's general performance.
Lots of training opportunities.
Good cafeteria

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Already highlighted all the points in other fields.


I saw quiet a lot of bad firings and ineptness at handling leaving of employees. Just because people are not going to be useful to you at the moment anymore, doesn't mean one should forget the many years of dedication that was given.
Middle management needs a serious restructuring but it's not gonna happen.
HR was good at the general stuff but they need to show more accountability when handling their employee grievances, especially against management figures.


The company was trying to get better but it seems that upper management has given up on the company as an innovator and developer and there was a general feeling of just getting day to day own tasks done without any attachment to the company culture and goals.
It's a shame that such atmosphere came to dominate there considering all of the effort, time and resources the upper management spent on establishing a "company culture" .
In the end, outside of management, one felt like a tool (albeit a well taken care of tool in certain aspects) which could be discarded if the management wishes were not complied to, instead of being an intelligent motivated employee that gave many years of dedicated hardwork.


Communication was generally ok but there was certain disrespect for chain of command ,with each manager from whatever branch giving orders and expecting that you would just comply, irrespective of whether it was even their right to assign tasks.


Outside of management, the normal employees were really helpful.


pretty good, outside of expected crunch times.


Too much to critique. Basically the middle management is pretty inept, with regards to interpersonal communication and technical proficiency.
Lack of connection between the upper management and ground level employees, with the middle management spending most of their time hiding their ineptness.

Interessante Aufgaben

Each new development idea was considered not profit worthy, with the upper management expecting huge returns asap. The appetite for research and patience was gone.
They would rather have a third party partner develop a product and slap a logo to sell an inferior product quickly than make a quality product themselves.
All in all, nothing new and interesting to work on, and if something new does start to develop, high chance for it to get cancelled


Very good representation of women in technical and non technical roles.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

A bridge too far sometimes. Some people are pretty cool but this was a problem at the company with older colleagues.


Same as other reviews.


The management was good at this stuff.


It's ok. I feel they toot their own horns regarding this and made it seem that employees were getting some amazing packages(Younger employees were especially made aware of this fact). In reality, comparing to the amount of work and responsibility that was being given, the salary and benefits were average.


Lots of further education opportunities (Must give credit to the HR lead there, she started a lot of new programs like that.)
There was no defined career path. If there was a need, they would suddenly thrust a a relatively newbie right into leadership level role. Sometimes completely ineligible people landed on senior roles just because of the time spent in the company.




Anna BöhmSenior Human Resources and Organizational Development Manager

Dear colleague, thank you for your feedback. I would like to find out more about the topics mentioned in your review. It would be very helpful if we could have a confidential conversation in order to be able to better understand your feedback and motivation. Many Thanks!
