Think twice before you decide to work here and check open source data for the financial performance of this company.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Bistro 61 is very close. Car-sharing to reach the office from Koblenz.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Company is extremely interested to have a positive image to the outer world, but very uncomfortable inside.
Many colleagues are unsure about the future. If you have a fixed-terms employment contract even two weeks before the end of your employment you will not get any information about the possible prolongation.
Just disaster. Lack of transparency and follow up.
Many helpful young people from different countries.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Ist gut.
If you are not in the upper management occupying a separate office- you will share office space with many another people. Buy noise cancelling earbuds, it helps to work more concentrated.
For beginners very low salary. Even after two years of hard work no salary increase. Even if you are sales rep- you will not get a company credit card. All your work related spendings are running over your private account.
Not good and getting worse. Employee turnover extremely high. Budgets are very tight.