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No transparency & no employee appreciation

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Personal / Aus- und Weiterbildung bei Drive Impact GmbH gearbeitet.


The management was mostly unfair regarding behavior towards employees. Important information in order to do a great job was not shared immediatly, which caused inefficiency in project work. Therefore, noone was satisfied, not feeling valued but stressed.


Communication between team members was good, but again the management doesn't communicate important information. They lied and gossiped a lot, which came out later.
Zero transparency and honesty by management.


With some colleagues the work day was really good and we still keep in touch. But, by now most people I worked with left the company, like me.


Project work is priority even if you work more than 40 hours a week. The work-life balance at DIMPACT is miserable. Even though you can travel and work, they put lots of stress and work load on one. Me and some colleagues had project work that was 50+ hours a week for several months. We complained but nothing changed.


They lie, try to manipulate by being kind and overly attentive and don't communicate anything important.
They take employees for granted and make lots of promises which are later not kept. Everyone was promised to get a bonus, which then was silently cancelled.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks are nice, and you get to try different strategies. Most of the time there was no time left to implement them, but you are left alone pretty much which has a little advantage.


Some employees received shopping vouchers, others didn't. Some employees were given a subscription for good working tools, others weren't.


They expected us to do overhours, which were not all compensated (at least in my case).


Nothing much happened in this category.


Normal salary was average. When lay-offs started, they made employees decrease their salary for everyone's well-being for 3 months. And then it took them more than 7 months. When you asked for your full monthly salary, they only say they don't have money but don't prove anything.


Very bad. Some clients told me they were unsatisfied and upset with Dimpact.


We were promised to get online courses and receive certificates in the end but that never happened. It's all about making money somehow.

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