16 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
16 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten16 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The management was mostly unfair regarding behavior towards employees. Important information in order to do a great job was not shared immediatly, which caused inefficiency in project work. Therefore, noone was satisfied, not feeling valued but stressed.
Very bad. Some clients told me they were unsatisfied and upset with Dimpact.
Project work is priority even if you work more than 40 hours a week. The work-life balance at DIMPACT is miserable. Even though you can travel and work, they put lots of stress and work load on one. Me and some colleagues had project work that was 50+ hours a week for several months. We complained but nothing changed.
We were promised to get online courses and receive certificates in the end but that never happened. It's all about making money somehow.
Normal salary was average. When lay-offs started, they made employees decrease their salary for everyone's well-being for 3 months. And then it took them more than 7 months. When you asked for your full monthly salary, they only say they don't have money but don't prove anything.
Nothing much happened in this category.
With some colleagues the work day was really good and we still keep in touch. But, by now most people I worked with left the company, like me.
They lie, try to manipulate by being kind and overly attentive and don't communicate anything important.
They take employees for granted and make lots of promises which are later not kept. Everyone was promised to get a bonus, which then was silently cancelled.
They expected us to do overhours, which were not all compensated (at least in my case).
Communication between team members was good, but again the management doesn't communicate important information. They lied and gossiped a lot, which came out later.
Zero transparency and honesty by management.
Some employees received shopping vouchers, others didn't. Some employees were given a subscription for good working tools, others weren't.
The tasks are nice, and you get to try different strategies. Most of the time there was no time left to implement them, but you are left alone pretty much which has a little advantage.
Drive Impact offers an ideal working environment for independent professionals.
Remote work, young and professional team. Ideal work for committed professionals looking for flexibility in their day-to-day work.
Great conditions
Young team. Fluent communication and friendly/professional environment
Es gibt keine Konflikte und die Atmosphäre ist sehr freundschaftlich
Die Vorgesetzten haben immer ein offenes Ohr und sind hilfsbereit und freundlich
100% remote, the flexibility of the work and working self-responsibly was nice
loved the original team
payment was never late
don't lie to your clients, that ruins your image
talk openly to your whole team and communicate about internal processes to build up a real team environment in which everyone feels involved
fair salary based on performance and seniority instead of sympathy
APPRECIATE and VALUE your employees and the knowledge they have
loved the team when I started, but when the layoffs started things got worse with every month
team is smiling in front and gossiping in private
discontent and frustration are perceptible
clients get lied to actively, hr community is small, experienced denial when changing jobs because of my work for this company
good flexibility, project hours can be spread over the week, 100% remote, that was the best part of the job
if you happen to be favored then you have lots of changes and even quicker than elsewhere. if not, you're stuck on your same position and actively blocked
colleagues tried the best to help each other out, but in the end everyone is fighting for themselves
lots of gossip behind your back
no one in this company is older than 40ish and no one stays longer than 1-2yrs in average
equipment has been provided
relevant information gets shared too late or not at all
communication within the team itself ok, but to get questions answered from the management takes up to a week or more
was okay, raise only with hard negotiations
there had been benefits once, but when the provider shut down there was no substitute
no regular bonus, no inflation support, no christmas/vacation bonus
full time working colleagues more valued than others
if the management doesn't like you, you'll get no chances for responsible tasks and you can watch your colleagues getting promoted to new positions instead of yourself
there had been times in which I felt supported to learn something new with and from other colleagues and times in which it was not wanted to do more than the basics that a recruiter has to know and to do in almost every other hr company
Arbeitsatmosphäre, Flexibilität
Niedriges Gehalt, Personalplanung
Personalplanung vorausschauender gestalten, damit neue MitarbeiterInnen nicht wieder entlassen werden müssen
Sehr freundliches Miteinander
Sehr flexible Arbeitszeiten
100% remote work
Regelmäßiger Austausch zu KollegInnen und Führungskräften
Vergleichsweise niedriges Gehalt, aber pünktliche Auszahlung
Es arbeiten dort mehr Frauen als Männer
Spannend, aber manchmal etwas eintönig, wenig Verantwortung
Maximale Flexibilität was die Arbeitszeit Einteilung angeht und selbst wenn mal etwas dazwischen kommt, kann die Arbeit einfach nachgeholt werden.
Zusätzlich gibt es auch volles Verständnis für gesundheitliche Probleme sowie familiäre Situationen.
Überpünktliche Auszahlung des Gehalts
Es ist eher ein jüngeres Umfeld aber offen für jeden.
In Town Hall oder All Hands Meetings werden alle Updates und neuen Informationen kommuniziert, zusätzlich wird Slack für als kurzer Informationsweg genutzt.
Es arbeiten mehr Frauen im Unternehmen als Männer.
Mir gefällt die Arbeitsatmosphäre sehr. Das Team ist Jung und diverse. Alle Mitarbeiter sind super freundlich. Wir haben dazu auch immer cooles Projekt!
I just love working at Drive Impact as it has almost no hierachies, or at least not on a personal level, but it is truly a team working towards a common goal, providing our clients with the best candidates for their open positions.
There is so much support from all my colleauges, that I never feel that I am not helped out, when I need some help. And there is never pressure to do more than is manageable for myself.
No words, I have neverr experienced such a dynamic and supporitve working environment. It almost feels like a family.
The team is great! Everyone is friendly and genuinely a joy to be around
Work life balance, remote work even after Corona, strong advocate of diversity, English speaking company with tolerance for all cultures.
So verdient kununu Geld.