Let's make work better.

Welches Unternehmen suchst du?
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Dynamically developing company, interesting projects, super work culture

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


We get honest and useful feedbacks from our superiors, our feedbacks are considered valuable and our suggestions are implemented into our processes.


Communication is clear, we have multiple channels to get information about the current stage of the company and projects, goals and obstacles. Task descriptions are detailed, but if we have questions, our superiors are always available to ask.


The common attitude of the employees is to find solution to the problems and they know, for that is the most efficient way is to be direct, honest and helpful with each other, since their goals are the same


The company is flexible, if we have any personal issue, we always have option to leave the workplace. We have the usual working hours per week, and we can decide how and when do we want to fulfill the quota. Homeoffice is not a problem, vacations can be taken out anytime if its requested reasonably before the date.


Our supervisors are reasonable, they handle conflicts perfectly and set clear goals and are open about the expectations. They consider and actively ask for our constrictive criticism.

Interessante Aufgaben

The workload is distributed fairly and prioritized by our supervisors. We can influence the development processes with our suggestions


My partner is working with the company as well, we can say that she has same opportunities as me

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Since the employees are fairly young(in average 25-30), I do not have any information about this section


We have everything that we need for work, if anybody has any special request for work equipment, the supervisors always acquire them without a question.


I dont have any information about this one


Salaries are always paid on time, we get generous benefits like paid phone and phone plan, gym membership, yearly budget for trainings and much more.


I think our image is honest


We have a yearly budget for training, for example german language courses and microsoft courses
