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Good colleagues does not make up for horrible company culture.

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Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

To be perfectly honest, not a lot of positives to say about the company. My colleagues were, for the most part, extremely nice, and there was a real sense of comradery amongst the sales team. Sadly, this was founded on a very real fear of management, job security, and absurd lies and manipulation.
The Salary was, when I started, just above average for the market, however lately this has dropped significantly for new hires.
The location in Sulzbach is beautiful, and the offices are nice.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Where to begin. I think the best way to describe the company is that over the course of the last year, over 30 people left the company or was fired (roughly 20 within the 6 months); in an office with around 60 people. That’s 1/3 of everyone, who were scared away or thrown out. Most of the none-management people there are constantly afraid of getting fired, and it shows every single day.
There is an absurd amount of control and micro-management. Everything you do is documented and will be spun against you if they so wish. To the point where one of my colleagues were being monitored for how many times, he had to visit the bathroom; a colleague who superseded his sales targets with 10%. They will tell you that eGENTIC does not believe in micromanagement, but nothing could be further from the truth! To the point where several people have had to have extended sick-leaves due to mental distress over working there.
The overall strategy is to hark on weakness, rather than promote success. If you are looking for a place, in which you can expect personal growth, positive reinforcement, and proper top-down management, this is your chance to run away screaming. However, if you feel comfortabl


Your employees are your only valuable resource. Start treating them as such. We are always being told that people leaving is part of the game, but not in this manner. You are letting amazing talent go because you have no strategy in place to keep them. Fear tactics, manipulation and the like is not the foundation on which you build a company for the future.
For the top management; get a general feeling about what is happening in the company. Too much employee management happens on the country-manager level, and far too many of those are ill-equipped or downright incapable of handling this, as they are not leaders; they are glorified salespeople.


It was an atmosphere driven by fear. Most people are afraid of being fired, and this is obviously reflected on the overall atmosphere of the place. A lot of micromanagement going on at the place as well, so you always feel like someone is looking over your shoulders, even if you are reaching all the goals.


The issue is not really communication; we are being told a lot of things. Most of it just rarely have any relation to reality. Best example: last year eGENTIC hired a consultant to help improve eGENTIC as a company. First team session after he had made his evalution had one of the managers say: you told him "x" and "y", but we don't really believe that is true". Alrighty then...


Only upside to eGENTIC is the good colleagues, however since they turnover on people is so high (20 in the last 6 months), do not expect for them to stick around long.


You do you hours and thats it. You are not really expected to work from home or anything. Conversely, home office is a city in China, and if you come late for whatever reason it will certainly be noticed.


I think this is the core of the issue. For the top management; get a general feeling about what is happening in the company. Too much employee management happens on the country-manager level, and far too many of those are ill-equipped or downright incapable of handling this, as they are not leaders; they are glorified salespeople.

Interessante Aufgaben

For me it was sales. The trouble is, the company will claim you are welcome to challenge conventions etc etc. You are most certainly not welcome to do so. eGENTIC wants pecking-bird type of people, who don't spent time trying to improve or innovate. The adage "this worked in the past, so it will work now" is the mantra, even if they'll try their best to convince you otherwise.


I don't think there are any issues per say here in terms of gender equality outside of a few not so fortunate stories about upper management, christmas parties and inappropriate behaviour.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

In general, it is a young team with a few senior people. This is not an issues at all though.


Their computers and software are really old, however most of it is currently being upgraded. You get a company phone, and most of it works as intended; just a tad slow. Nothing much to report here.


eGENTIC does donate to childrens cancer once a year, which is very noble of them (no idea how much though; funnily enough the employees are not trusted with this info). However, outside of that eGENTIC is hardly pushing the outer boundaries of what is social awareness..


There is a bonus in terms of sales, however!!! this is purely to lure you in. Most people do not receive any bonus worth mentioning because of how the running cost of different markets is calculated. We get a phone which we are encouraged to not use privately at all, and thats about it.

Country Managers do get more such as company Car and obviously much much better pay.


I mean... At this point, what image? To be brutally honest, if you ask around in the lead gen world, eGENTIC is very quickly getting a very very bad reputation. One thing is that they openly cheat on a lot of their competitions; thats fine and all. But the news is also spreading about how they treat their employees. For instance, a huge article was made about eGENTIC not long ago in a premiere norwegian newspaper. And this happens regularly.


If you are in sales, the only step up is to be a country manager. I suppose this is a step up career wise, but it ends there.
