What a nightmare, worst employer EVER
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
I can only say a lot of the production and office people that I met, they were always really nice and supportive, I do not know what would I have done during the time in that company without them.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
I do not want to say everything, but in this case, it is almost everything.
Read above and listen to the employees that are still there working for you.
The working atmosphere is just of hypocrisy, there is no respect for the employees during and after working at the company (You will be treated like nothing, your work at the end will be seen as nothing, there is no praise and recognition for your time, effort and work, cero empathy for the employees and sometimes not even humanity in the way the high position employees treat and talk to lower position employees). Sometimes even the attitude of the high position employees feels childish and hard to believe coming from people in those positions and having that age. There is cero trust in the employees (they will check everything, no matter your experience or seniority, there are a lot of things hidden for employees, there is cero trust in their work and in them). Also, your opinion and your decisions will never be taken into account. New things or ideas will never be applied, since the company has an old mindset and are extremely square minded, so you just waste your time by bringing them.
Even though it is a small company with few people at the office, the company really lacks communication. There are no efficient communication channels, most of the time you will never receive clear instructions or support on how to do things, you will always have to figure out by yourself, and when it is not what they expected, then you will be the one to blame. The worst feeling is the pressure and the uncertainty you work with every day because you do not know if what you are doing is what they really want and you are afraid that at the end all the knowledge, time and effort you put was for nothing. It is like working or doing something blindfolded without any clear direction.
Sadly, high position employees will talk about lower position employees when they are not there, at some point you will hear from other colleagues what they said about you. They will also tell lies and bad things about employees that were already gone. They will also not care when you quit or they fire you, you are just a number there. Something good is the cohesion between some production workers and some office workers is really great and make days at the office a lot smoother, some of them can work together really well, but the high position employees have their own circle. You can see that at the company events and at the office everyday how they talk and treat other people with this air of superiority.
They say that home office is possible, with this, they mean that just ONE DAY per week is possible. When you try to negotiate more days, then you have to write down in a word page the activity you did EVERY single hour you were at home office and then the next day bring that paper to be approved and signed. About the extra hours, for sure you will have to stay longer a lot of days, since the load of work sometimes is just unbearable and you will not have enough time to finish. I saw a lot of colleagues leaving the office almost every day at night time.
There is an extreme level of micromanagement by one of the CEOs (every single thing, has to go through her and be approved by her, when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING). There is cero empowerment to the employees (you will never be able to take decisions by yourself, there is no trust in your expertise and your knowledge). When problems and conflict comes, what you did, will always be wrong and you will always have the fault, (even you are the one who is right), there is no humility to accept mistakes or responsibilities from the high position employees, they will always look for someone else to blame, so never ever expect a please, a thank you, or an apology. Objectives and work loads given are unreal, simply impossible to complete within the given due dates (one thing is multitasking and under pressure work, but this is just a complete excess), when you finish something, immediately something bigger comes out and piles up, until the mountain of work is just becomes unbearable, at the point of people having literally “burnouts” at the company.
Interessante Aufgaben
You have to consider that the company lacks a structure or a “skeleton” that supports the whole company, made with clear and delimited areas and departments, it is more like a dictatorship. So of course you will have different activities to do, but coming more from the fact that there is no clear communication, organisation and functions inside the company and because of the huge loads of work you will be given, so it is tricky here.
Salaries are low compared to other companies in the same field. Also, when trying to negotiate for more salary after a year/years, they will say a definite NO and will try to bring you down with the excuse that you are not a good employee, you are not giving your best and that you are not accomplishing what they expect from you. Just to give an example, there are employees that have been there working for more than 5 years, with the same salary that they started, unbelievable. Be careful, because what can also happen, is that at some point they will lower your salary with the same excuse mentioned above, this happened to a lot of employees including me, the time I was there. If something the company is, is greedy and stingy.
Ask employees and more, ex-employees about the company, they will tell you really dark stories about this company, I am sure most of them will not recommend you to put a foot there, it can really become an unpleasant experience. There is a high level of personnel rotation, people that just lasted some weeks or a month and then quitted or got kicked out, and believe me, it was not their fault. Also, employees with a lot of experience and years of working there, just leaving because the conditions were at some point unbearable. I have never seen that before to be honest. The image they pretend to give is just a mask, be careful.
Since there is not a structure, there is no way of growing, everything is completely horizontal at that company, so do not expect to grow over the years and build a career there. You can receive some courses but with the condition that you have to stay for years there, so do not sell your soul, believe me.