Interesting tasks but working conditions leave much to be desired
The office is spacious and the classrooms are well-stocked. You are provided with books and can make copies there. You normally teach at clients and if that's at a company, it will be in their meeting room and if it's continuing education for unemployed adults, it will be at one of those centres.
You receive your "schedule" without much notice, although they won't sign you up for a class without asking you. There is often zero flexibility as they have already agreed on hours and conditions with client. They may also ask you about long-term projects which never come to fruition but for which they have "blocked" your schedule (so you end up with few hours that month).
The biggest communication problem is lying about payment issues and future projects - so sure, they communicate with you but you don't know if it's true or not.
You sometimes share classes with other freelancers. Some are professional and nice, some are backpacker types. It's a mix. Office staff when I was there were friendly and open.
You won't get over 100 hours a month because that could make them liable for being sued for social benefits.
It's language training with a focus on business English so you may have intensive classes but you may have classes before or after work.
Well, we regularly got paid late.
What does late mean? Sometimes a few days, sometimes a few months - if you don't ask about it, it can really mean months.
Apparently this is still going on.
Interessante Aufgaben
It's fun teaching at different companies and getting to know different people. I am still in contact with some students. If you like teaching, you will like your work.
See above. Pay is low and there are no opportunities for advancement. Training is not paid for. Meetings are not compensated.
They pay for your textbooks and you might get them to pay for your Bahncard. Travel fees will be reimbursed.
13 euros/ an hour. No benefits.
There are no promotions - the company can hardly pay the cheap freelancers it has on call.