9 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 5,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 5,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Great due to flexible work hours and home office options
Regular socializing events, taking lunch together and lots of support
Communication is extremely transparent, everyone listens to your opinion and actively tries to understand each other
- top Team mit dem es Spaß macht zu arbeiten
- die Gehälter sind fair und pünktlich. Sonderleistungen für Altersvorsorgen, Weihnachts- oder Urlaubsgeld gibt es jedoch nicht.
- kurze Wege und offene Ohren sind der Standard
- durch das spannende und zukunftsorientierte Produkt entstehen stets interessante und herausforderndes Aufgaben
All colleagues are easy to reach and open to discuss issues. Suggestions and ideas are openly received, no matter the tenure.
Regular (online) social events and video hangouts help to keep the atmosphere positive during the pandemic.
Open communication about upcoming challenges and how to solve them
Very open to new technologies
E.g.: creating hangouts to chat and socialize
Already very good!
The Corona-situation was handled really well, working from home was not a problem. All meetings and workshops took place online without any obstacles.
We are working in a small team with straightforward communication. There are often group lunch or coffee breaks to chat and hang out with colleagues.
Since I'm kind of new to the sales area. I was well introduced and trained in the area and there was always time for my questions and problems.
Since I am a student, I can schedule my working hours at Enlyze very flexibly. In addition, I was very quickly given responsibility and interesting tasks.
Because it is a highly digitalized company it's easy to participate on various projects. Homeoffice works really well.
Management is very easy to approach and encourages you. If you do good/bad they say so in a very positive way. You always can improve on what they say.
It's a startup but working hours are pretty fine. You are not expected to work more than contracted. You have to align to your team members but other than that can work anytime you want. Homeoffice is possible
Workspace is easy to reach by public transportation, so you don't need a car.
I you want to you can get Books, online courses or go to a conference. It is highly encouraged to do so.
Colleagues are easy to reach when you have specific questions. Very respectful and nice.
Because the hierarchy is flat your voice gets always heard. Goals are pretty clear and a good system is in place to reach them.
They really take care about your workplace and get you all the gear you need to work good. All equipment is state of the art.
Every employee gets always updates on what is going on in the different branches of the company. Management has a good communication policy this helps alignment a lot.
Money is good and always on time.
Everybody is treated equal.
Can work on all design aspects i see fit for the projects. High level of trust. You can take a look at the work of your colleagues.
Homeoffice war sofort selbstverständlich. Es wird darauf geachtet dass alle Mitarbeiter gut mit der neuen Situation klarkommen und alles haben was sie brauchen um ihre Arbeit zu machen.
Es werden keine astronomischen Arbeitszeiten erwartet wie in manch anderem Startup. Urlaub nehmen ist kein Problem, aufgrund des bisher kleinen Teams aber natürlich wohl koordiniert.
Hier ziehen alle am selben Strang und es geht darum als Team weiterzukommen!
Immer offen und kritikfähig.
Keine Fließbandarbeit sondern jeder einzelne hat Einfluss darauf was getan wird. Im kleinen Team ist zwar jeder Spezialist auf seinem Gebiet, aber es wird unterstützt auch mal über seinen Tellerand hinaus zu blicken und neue Bereiche kennenzulernen.
In general a great mindset that a startup nowadays should have! The company really lives what it preaches. They even give out company Stock Options for the first employees.
It's just nice to be at work.
The usual flexible working hours and home office options.
You can go to conferences or join courses to grow in your role and as a person.
Really good team spirit, people care about each other. This is fostered through very regular team events and team lunches or cooking sessions.
Super respectful and super caring bosses!
Very open, respectful, honest and with the necessary amount of humor!
Company communicates an emphasis on diversity and it is an important aspect in their recruiting efforts.