Work on Company Culture
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- Good for beginners in the automotive field
- Ability to work on some nice projects from big companies in the automotive industry like Audi and Cariad
- Not control freaky or bossy middle management in everyday communication
- Nice summer team building
- 30 days of vacation
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
- All employees are mostly gathered per nationalities and in some teams Arabic is spoken practically as the main language as their speakers form like 85% of the whole team what is not the most cool thing because 70% of their communication is not even work related. Like loud laughing and isolation of other employees. Also most of them are family members, relatives or friends from their home countries. They literally act like on coffee and if you ask them to be a bit more quiet they start to isolate you.
- Some of them are really rude, like yelling especially on woman, offending women, talking rude about their female colleges inside or outside the office, smashing doors in front of the face, not greeting, not saying 'thank you' when you do some favor, not apologizing when being 50 minutes late for a client, going home one hour earlier or arriving later without excuse, loud praying on the ground in the corridor or inside of the office and long breaks for more than an hour by some employees, religious greetings, not willingness to work in team - I was shocked by that kind of behavior. Like there is no culture 'from home' for some employees and it can be pretty tough to collaborate - This is not company's fault directly - but company should be thinking how are their employees treated by their coworkers and put someone in the office who will react on this kind of behavior.
- Poor project management - no proper and regular management in delivering coding results, issues when someone doesn't want to work in team and one person is doing most of the work are not tackled
- Extremely hot in summer, very hard to work - real aircons should be installed
- Encourage employees to go outside of the office to take short breaks in order to keep peaceful environment so people can focus on work