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Admiratus. Impressus. Persuasus.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei FC-Gruppe in Karlsruhe gearbeitet.


As mentioned earlier, there is an urgent need for improvement regarding seating arrangements and noise levels in the building! The parking situation can also be very challenging sometimes, especially if you're looking for a parking spot after 8 a.m.


Modern corporate culture; globally applicable 'you' across all levels and locations


Differences exist... While some areas such as team coordination and communication with superiors run smoothly, there seemed to be initial coordination issues in other areas (such as queries regarding invoices or similar matters). However, over time, one adapts to the circumstances and learns to work with them.

However, it is essential to highlight the positive aspect of verbal communication: Due to the aforementioned modern and personal corporate culture, individuals can always be addressed directly.


Everyone helps and supports each other, even across departments


As far as I can judge, the supervisors always behave collegially and communicate on an equal footing at all times


Although I am not a supporter of mandatory gender quotas for companies, it must objectively be mentioned that the number of women in staff positions, especially in leadership roles, is relatively very low.

However, it should be emphasized that there are several physically disabled and differently abled employees in the company who receive a lot of support from all areas of the company, which is very good and absolutely commendable!

I can undoubtedly attest that there is no noticeable discrimination based on gender, religion, physical disability, or anything similar, neither for myself nor for others!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

For the few that exist, I cannot detect any issues. However, it should be noted in this regard that there are generally very few 'older' colleagues, as the company mainly consists of young people.



- Modern company building with extensive technical equipment beyond the standard!
- Various opportunities for informal conversations including coffee facilities, etc.
- The ground floor features an in-house café where affordable lunch options are offered daily.


- The building is too small for the number of employees it accommodates.
- There are different tiers of employees: some have dedicated seats solely for them, while others do not and may not find a seat if all other tables are occupied, including the "flex-desk" spaces.
- Some of the assigned seats are located in areas separated by glass walls to mitigate noise, while in other areas, due to the open-space layout, it can be very noisy, making concentrated work difficult.

There is definitely room for improvement!!!!


The salary is initially okay, but it tends to be in the lower middle range of the market standard salary range.





Tessina Epp, Recruiterin
Tessina EppRecruiterin

Toll! Vielen Dank für Dein umfangreiches, offenes und konstruktives Feedback. Danke, dass Du dadurch einen tiefen Einblick in das Arbeitsumfeld von der FC-Gruppe gewährst. Es ist wirklich toll, wie detailliert Du auf unterschiedliche Punkte eingehst.
Danke auch für Deine konstruktiven Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Wir wissen um den derzeitigen Platzmangel, sowohl in Bezug auf die Parkplätze als auch auf die Schreibtische, und sind auch bereits damit beschäftigt, eine gute Lösung zu finden (denn das ist nicht umsonst unser Slogan ) Du darfst gespannt darauf sein.
Weiterhin viel Freude Dir! Toll, dass Du an Bord bist und unser Team bereicherst.
