27 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
27 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
25 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen27 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
25 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
There was loads to learn.
I love that my ideas are taken into account and I can make a case for them and pursue them!
Super inclusive and supportive team that works together to achieve the goals.
I am currently working a lot, but we are about to launch, so it is ok and I already know that I will have some time off soon.
Formo actually practices what it preaches in it’s day to day operations.
Love the leadership that I am getting.
Love the feedback that I get.
Absolutely - I love that I have the chance to make an impact on the food industry.
best working environment
sometimes things need to be done fast but you can always balance overtime on a less busy day
almost feels like family
excellent communication and transparency
work on something that is radically new and contribute your ideas
Even as a non-full time employee, you feel like you belong and that everyone cares about your well-being. Colleagues are great, work collaboratively and enjoy being part of the company's purpose, mission and vision. Other "nice to haves": good looking office spaces with everything you need (and more) + the company-paid team lunch every Wednesday.
- motivative team
- great working environment
very harmonic with a lot of motivated people
In busy times, people often work extra hours, but the HR team always reminds employees how important it is to take a vacation.
My team is very supportive and always ready to help.
Everybody respects each other and the age is not important.
super supportive, easy communication, always time for a quick chat.
The office and labs are completely new and the working environment is very harmonic.
Since we are a start up everything is possible and all ideas are taken seriously.
Finally the company I am happy to wake up for in the morning and a job that is aligned with my values.
Incredible love and commitment from the management towards Formo, its vision and employees. Strong will to continuously learn, grow and listen.
Super excited to be part of this journey! :)
I feel super confident to address any suggestions and ideas personally - at any time and any level.
Formo is incredibly committed to create a great working environment: regular team events, an open feedback culture with monthly surveys and open management hours, beautiful company off-sites and
a huge list of employee benefits such as weekly company lunches.
Formo is well known in the start-up world and people (both internally as well as externally) are excited about the products and vision.
As always, depending on project, position and department but overall very manageable working hours for a company at this stage.
Nevertheless, I would expect the work load and pressure to increase dramatically (in many teams) as we launch, which I am personally very much looking forward to :)
I have not been in the company long enough for a proper evaluation but was able to build a strong trust in Formo with regard to career and growth opportunities.
Obviously not comparable to big corporations, but very good compensation for a start-up at this stage.
Unmatched from my point of view. Starting from smaller gestures such as vegan company lunches and sustainably sourced coffee beans to the the deep-rooted wish to contribute in making the world a better place.
The fact that most of us share the same vision and values really brings us together.
Low hierarchies (actually!), open and honest communication, trusting relationships & high level of autonomy.
GORGEOUS newly renovated offices in Frankfurt and Berlin,
choice btw MacBook and Windows, enough meeting rooms and booths, everything you could possibly wish for
Despite the immense growth, the communication is already on a really good path. Nevertheless, we're still continuously trying to optimize communication and information flows and I am confident that it will receive the necessary attention it deserves.
Formo actually is the first company I worked for that does not just say it is international but really hires wonderful people from all over the world.
The executive team is noticeably male-dominated, but from my POV rather due to the war for talent than to any discriminatory intentions.
Even as a very well structured start-up we do not have bureaucratic, rigid processes or task allocations. If you see a problem, fix it. If you have an idea that might be beneficial for the company, try it.
-human-centered structures and processes
-ambitious goals and dedication
-great perks, events, off-sites
-huge learning opportunities
Don't listen too much to the few naysayers, complainers and critics.
People care deeply about what the company does. Great mix between fun & serious business.
One of the leading biotech food companies globally. Formo might not be well known outside the startup / food bubble but in the industry the image is great.
Well funded pre-revenue startup - it requires more energy and work than comparable corporate jobs. However, there is flexibility to coordinate and balance out.
Absolutely purpose driven - sustainability is at the core of the company vision and mission.
Best team ever!
Nobody is perfect, but leadership truly cares about the team. I feel that managers are very engaged and committed.
Very mature judging from the fact that the company is "only" 3.5 years old and has experienced fast growth.
Very mature
There's a of freedom and encouragement to take on more & develop.
Purpose, Mission and Vision. Additionaly Formo tries to create a workplace where you feel working with people you truly care about.
As for the purpose of the company, you will always find yourself working towards that goal.
Formo fully supports your personal progress with a quarterly budget
4 Stars to leave room for more ! ;)
could have little more vacation days
Da es ein Start-Up ist, wird es manchmal stressig... da kann der "Life" part schon mal etwas kurz kommen, was aber defintiv kein Dauerzustand ist. Aber man bekommt auch die Möglichkeit das später wieder auszugleichen!
Mein einziger Kritikpunkt hier: Informationen kommen manchmal nicht so schnell an die richtige Person wie man sich wünscht. Das ist aber aufgrund der schnellen Entwicklung im Start-Up nicht zu vermeiden.
So verdient kununu Geld.