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Gridfuse GmbH Logo


A great place to work with an very interesting product.

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


Really great and maybe the biggest asset that Gridfuse has. From the managing directors over the team leads to the "normal" colleagues everyone is friendly and open. Of course there are conflicts but we are trying to solve them in a good manner and everybody is interested in creating a nice working environment.


Maybe the biggest area of potential improvement in the company. Gridfuse now has almost 30 employees and it does need more structured communication as in the early days with only 5. Sometimes there are conflicting messages or things are not really thought through before communicated.
I do see improvements here and the management really tries to work on it and it is improving :). In general information is shared openly and the management is always accessible to answer further questions or just for a chat if stuff is unclear.


As already said, very good. It's a lot of fun working in the office. I think almost everyone in the company can identify with the product we build. This means that all of us share a common interest and that makes it easy to connect.


We are a startup and it can be stressful. There is always time to recover between the bursts. I see that the management team tries to keep the stressful times to a minimum. Working over hours is not the norm and is not expected.

It is possible to work less hours.


The whole management team is really approachable and does listen to the team. They let us do our jobs and don't try to micromanage everything by themselves. If there are any questions you can just ask and you will get an honest answer from them.

Interessante Aufgaben

We work on the "Energiewende". It is very motivating to be part of this fundamental change. Our product will be a core part of this. There are a lot of different challenges to be solved. We are still at the very beginning so you can have a lot of influence as a developer on the different issues we have to solve.


We could have more none male colleagues in the company in general. As far as I can say everyone is treated the same way.


Nice modern central office in Leipzig. Great displays and computers to work with.


Very high and not just as a marketing instrument.


I would say it is a marked standard in Leipzig. Not more but also not less.


Due to the small size of the company there are not many career opportunities. There is a budget for personal development and management is working on personal development goals with the employees.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


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