German Team was "redundant" after they fixed most issues of the EU business
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Very early stage in Germany, the sales manager was very experienced and he trained the team very well. Unfortunately the sales team was made redundant
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No focus on EU locations - every time UK first, UK was not willing to fix several issues and they do not understand the needs for German location - maybe this was the reason the business does not work as UK expected from the team
Homeoffice (Operations & Sales) is not yet official launched but there are managers who give the chance to work remote (if the job itself allows it)
Warehouse: great people, international team, everyone is willing to help
The whole company is only focused on UK business, EU locations does not really exist in communications
Interessante Aufgaben
More or less the same again and again
The whole sales team was redundant at the same time so everyone was equal
No official Homeoffice, for german team was a workspace available which was ok. Homeoffice was accepted by the manager but the company don't like it
No real sustainable Programm or not existing for the German location (no solar panels on the roof as described on homepage)sustainability packaging more or less not existing - only when clients ask for.
Salary for german team was much higher than for the other locations. Maybe this was also an reason for the redundant program.
The brand grows but in German
still unknown.