4 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
-Some very competent and smart colleagues from the Netherlands
- Below average compensation
- Bad middle management
- Fearful atmosphere
-Value and respect people for who they are.
-Trust in your employees. Improve communication.
-Replace the mid-management in Germany.
-Treat employees as humans - Not as KPIs
-Set goals but don't micro-manage every task.
-Do not haunt employees with frequent one-to-one meetings
-Make a safe environment to provide feedback
-Compensate your employees as per the local standards
-Make use of personality tests such as Birkman / DISC to match the interests to tasks.
The office facilities are and the equipment provided is satisfactory
The overall concept and business model is good.
It started really well, and I enjoyed working on my projects and added a lot of value to the company during my tenure. The local management is untrust worthy.
Work-Life Balance is non-existent. I have worked as much as 60 hrs/week and because of the pressure had to report 40 hrs/week.
There was so much pressure and mental stress, especially during the corona months. Corona and work at home dealt with extremely badly.
Calling sick is highly discouraged and frowned upon.
Sick leaves are followed by haunting one on one weekly meetings as well as threatening emails by leads in Germany.
One lead took care of four projects and which meant for us switching dozens of time between two tasks.
Name shaming for not logging hours on time by top management
The added pressure during Corona, effected my mental and physical health.
I was hired as a Consultant.
The career progression and growth possibilities were unclear from the beginning.
This year the company rolled out a framework which demoted me to a Junior Consultant.
Keylane offered a certain salary + 425 Euros/Bahncard 100 in the initial offer.
In the documentation that followed, this was then lowered to Salary + 225 Euros/Bahncard 100. I opted for the Bahncard 100, for which we were discouraged and forced to choose 225 Euros. To discourage further, they made it subject to long justification and bureaucratic process. After six months, only one colleague got it.
Since Corona started in March, this too was taken away, even though the company kept boasting their record profits during that time.
The overall salary package is far lower than the industry standards, however using clever sales tactics they mislead their prospective employees.
It starts with an extremely low salary which increases after 2 and 6 months. They try to sell it as if they offered a big raise for every milestone, however they save a lot of money on the overall annual salary.
The company set me free at the end of August and told me that my individual productivity has been zero. Hence, I would also not receive any bonus. Contrarily my last years productivity was measured to be 93%.
This goes to show to what extent they to earn profits.
Almost everything is online. Hardly any paper is used.
The company introduces new technologies to improve the overall workflow and experience.
I really enjoyed working with the Dutch colleagues based in the Netherlands.
I can't say that for the ones Dutch colleagues managing in Germany except for a few.
Most of the colleagues from the Netherlands were extremely helpful.
The direct reporting middle management did not trust and sometime came across as two-faced.
Dutch are generally direct, but a lead came across as an extremely blunt and rude.
He used demeaning, humiliating and sexual language and references in person as well as in group chats.
On LinkedIn, he pretends as if he is a big hero.
The lady is egotistic and enjoyed playing physiological games.
I never matter what you wanted or whatever preferences you conveyed. All it mattered was an available task and a free person. If you stated your preferences were against that of the task, then you came across as a complainer.
There is no German HR. After the Boot camp, the HR after checking their milestones abandoned us for most work related matters.
The HR was left to someone not an HR expert, who was very inquisitive about my personal matters and who discussed this with the other colleagues. This became obvious from the comments of some colleagues whom I never revealed the information.
Overall quite satisfied with the workplace.
The rooms were big and well lit. We were given access to new equipment.
There was a big lack of trust however when something new was needed. For a pad of sticky notes and a pencil, we were dependent on colleagues from the Netherlands to bring that in his/her car.
Düsseldorf is an island with less than 7-8 permanent inhabitants. The rest are just tourists.
Access to information depends on how much coffee you can drink with the mid-management per day. From the upper management, we only hear how much money they are making.
I am honest and like to call a spade a spade. It was going against my values when I heard the mid-management blatantly lying about the status of the projects to the higher management.
As they are so few colleagues in Germany, it is almost impossible to provide honest anonymized feedback to the higher management without being traced individually.
The company is majorly Dutch 95%
Most were extremely open-minded and made me feel a part of the team.
I can understand Dutch to a decent level.
Occasionally, I did hear some hurtful comments in Dutch from two direct reporting middle-management colleagues, however they pretended in English, I was forced to pretend as if nothing is wrong.
The allocation of the roles were left to stereotypes.
Despite informing of clear preferences from the first appraisal, the tasks were unlike a consultant but more of an IT-support person.
Hohe Aufmerksamkeit und Verständnis bzgl. dem Wohlbefinden aller Kollegen in der Krisensituation. Viele gute Kommunikation, hohe Resilienz und Zusammenhalt der Kollegen sowie tolle Gesten (Lieferung von einem Paket voller Überraschungen nach Hause). Toll !
Exzellentes Image bei Kunden. In Deutschland muss dieses noch aufgebaut werden, da der Markt für Keylane neu erschlossen wurde.
Sehr ausgeprägte. Keylane legt viel Wert auf die Persönlichkeit der Mitarbeiter und ihre Entwicklung geht ohne WL-Balance nicht
Viel Online Content ist vorhanden, jeder kann sich seine Weiterbildung selbst gestalten
Hohes Sozialbewusstsein im Sinne von Vereinbarkeit von privaten und beruflichen Leben.
Groß. Eindeutige Prägung, anderen unkompliziert zu helfen.
Alter spielt keine Rolle, sondern Persönlichkeit und Leistung.
Anders als in Deutschland oft der Fall: es wird viel Freiheit gegeben, eher eine ergebnisorientierte als aufgabenorientierte Führung
An allen Standorten tolle Offices, an tollen Locations.
Wird ständig verbessert, bereits auf hohem Niveau: es wird oft, direkt und spannend in allen Richtungen kommuniziert, viele Mitarbeiter Events in den Niederlanden an denen alle teilnehmen dürfen.
Man merkt den positiven Einfluss der Niederlanden als offene Gesellschaft
Definitiv: was gibt spannender, als den Grundstein der Digitalisierung für die Versicherungsindustrie zusammen mit commited experts zu legen ?
Tägliche Video Calls am Morgen, konkrete Hilfe sofern nötig. Haben für eine Kollegin die umgezogen ist Möbel besorgt!
Machen schon vieles sehr gut ... eventuell noch mehr persönliche Ansprache per Teams?! Aber das wäre nörgeln auf hohem Niveau.