9 Mitarbeiter:innen, die bei Kreditech Holding SSL ein Praktikum absolvieren oder absolviert haben, bewerten das Unternehmen im Durchschnitt mit 4,1 von 5 Punkten.
1 Praktikant:innen empfehlen Kreditech Holding SSL als Arbeitgeber weiter, während 0 das Unternehmen nicht empfehlen würden.
Think twice before applying
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2014 im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Flexible office hours Perks (gym pass or metro card) International young team
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
No organisation Work not valued Money is the only reward to motivate employees Some colleagues should motivate others but demotivate them instead.
To all the people willing to apply there : think twice before applying, it is not because it seems that it is the dream company, with good perks etc. that it is made for you!
Young, international Team; working high speed; at the same time learning a lot and having fun at work!
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2014 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The young, international team; the atmosphere andcolleagues and how we are collaborating; events; tasks, responsibility
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Pressure from management, lack of structure, lack of workforce in the supporting areas
Communication need to be worked at; structures and processes don't need to be the loss of culture!
I enjoy working with Kreditech, the atmosphere is great! There are really fun team events and teammeetings for the whole company on a regular basis.
This is not a 9 to 5 job, but you enjoy a lot of freedom and it's a fun place tp work.
Economical thinking yes, social no.
Career is possible, interns are almost always employed fulltime afterwards. There is no hr development yet, feedback processes to be set up.
Collaboration with colleagues is great, everybody is helpful and open.
Direct boss is great, one level above a lot pressure giving, not motivating. Ability for discussion and conflicts can be improved.
Just great!
Processes for communication are not set, information is partly only given when asked for or found out accidently, sometimes too late. Information about strategy did I never hear so far, which would make work easier.
I'm satisfied with my salary. Plus sponsored Proficard or gym, fruits and drinks for free, fun room :)
Apart from age we couldn't be mixed more!
Interessante Aufgaben
Soon own responsibility, active participation valued, working on your own required
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2014 im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
International, Community, Flat Hierarchy, Fancy Office, Interesting Tasks, High Responsibility as Intern
Ich wollte ein intensives Praktikum bei Kreditech absolvieren, dementsprechend habe ich im Gegensatz zu den anderen Praktikanten nicht viel Freizeit gehabt.
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2013 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Die Nervgunfights, die Arbeitszeiten, das Büro, das freundschaftliche miteinander, Gaming Room, Gratis Getränke, T-Shirts, Hoodies etc., Verhältniss zwischen Managment und Angestellten
Ich habe bei Kreditech ein 2 Wöchiges Schulpraktikum gemacht aus dem dann ein Ferienjob resultierte. Unglaublich genial ist die Arbeitsatmosphäre, zwar muss mann viel arbeiten und so können schon mal 10 stunden am Tag normal werden aber der Umgang im Unternehmen untereinander ist einzigartig genau wie die Nervgunfights. Außerdem ist die Chefetage sehr sympatisch und selbst einem Abiturienten wird unter die Arme gegriffen und teilweise auch Verantwortung übertragen. Alles in allem ein geniales, erstaunliches Unternehmen und wenn mann denn gut mitarbeitet ein super Arbeitsplatz.
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2013 im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The work environment is challenging and enjoyable. Challenging, because you find yourself dealing with different tasks everyday; enjoyable, because all this gives you big satisfaction and happens in a friendly and honest environment.
Definitely the best working atmosphere I have ever had. Sometimes it does not even look like I'm going to work!
I am definitely proud to work in a totally honest company which is growing impressively.
The best Work-Life balance I have ever had; even if sometimes the workload can be huge, we always have time for our lifes.
Career opportunities in the company are really nice, both because you learn a lot (switching from a task to the other and gaining not only working knowledge but also flexibility) and because there is the chance to be employed permanently.
The salary is definitely satisfactory (in line with the same positions' salaries).
The company is not expressely committed to sozialbewusstsein but their business is definitely helping lot of people who could not get access to the services in other ways.
Colleagues are definitely one added value in the company. There is a very nice international environment and cooperation for working is always efficient.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
There is not a precise rule about it, but until now I have never met a fellow 45+ here.
Generally the work environment is very peaceful and relaxed. In the rare case of conflicts, supervisors are never acting as "superiors" but more as friends, so solving all the possible troubles in one second.
The offices are extremely nice. Perfect, nothing to complain about.
Yes, I always receive precise instructions about what to do, and in case of problems I can always go to ask directly to the superior (that is something really rare in other companies!)
It is the most "equal opportunities" company you can imagine. Lot of nationalities, both males and females equally split and not at all differences in career advancement depending on any of these factors.
Interessante Aufgaben
Workload can sometimes be huge, but always well distributed and extremely fascinating as characteristic of a start-up (in which you need multi-task skills and flexibility).
Very inspiring internship with great, international people who work too much
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2012 im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Very young, international team of diverse people You can feel how the company grows each week Good communication, always knew whats going on due to management updates Very good chances to get promoted (was offered very good package after internship)
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
People need to stop working before midnight, this is crazy
Kick everyone out at 23.30
Lots of performance pressure, lots of fun, lets of laugh - think it is only good for people who want to give 110% + i had the impression everybody was totally motivated
bad PR, great spirit and performance i have encountered.
There is no life in that equation, people seem to be working around the clock (strangely not because they have to but they want to), not sure what the bonus scheme etc. is but it seems to be working :)
i was offered a full time position after finishing studies with very attractive package, many employees and even managers were interns before
intern salary was ok, fixed offered package was very good, there seems to be good bonus as people work like crazy
Very international + relatively (25-35) young team, very cool team spirit
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
didnt meet anyone above 32
cool castle, liked the cooked food by internal cook + crazy super soaker fights especially
Skype 24/7
international + performance as only reelevant factor, really liked that
Interessante Aufgaben
very interesting tasks are given to interns, I way amazed of the level of trust, freedom and guidance I got from day 1
Basierend auf 9 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Praktikant:innen wird Kreditech Holding SSL durchschnittlich mit 3.7 von 5 Punkten bewertet. der Bewertenden würden Kreditech Holding SSL als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
Basierend auf 9 Bewertungen schätzen Praktikant:innen besonders die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt an dem Unternehmen.
Neben positivem Feedback haben Praktikant:innen auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 9 Bewertungen sind Praktikant:innen der Meinung, dass sich Kreditech Holding SSL als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Work-Life-Balance noch verbessern kann.