Micromanagement at its best
Employees are frustrated as there is no clear communication and company lacks of clear structures but at the same time has very high hierarchy.
Management is mostly demanding and ordering people around. No eye-level communication.
Feedback is usually more negative than positive.
A lot to improve. No clear communication or delegation. Instead of clear communication on responsibility and tasks it is expected that you proactively figure out on your own on what tasks you should take over (which often depends on the mood of the manager). However if you are acting proactive and take on tasks by yourself, the manager immediately will reach out to you and demands that you have to get approval first. No clear company structure and everybody is just doing things their own way.
Also one day it is expected that things are done a certain way and the other day this way is wrong (mixed messaging and constant change of opinion).
No communication on what is going on, not even within the team. Employees are often left in the dark and tasks and decisions are done behind their back.
Suggestions or ideas from employees (at any level) often are not considered or ignored.
Information is often kept from employees or other departments and used to demonstrate power.
Employees are very unhappy and frustrated with the current situation.
Colleagues are very nice and everybody tries to support each other as they are all sitting in the same boat.
Also it is general common that you have lunch together with colleagues from different departments.
Ok. Not too much overtime but management tents to put meetings outside of the core working hours or during lunch time.
No real flexible working hours.
Micromanagement at its best. Often you are not even allowed to send out E-Mails within the company without the manager checking it first. This also is happening for senior level employees.
Employees are often treated as if they are little kids and don't have common sense.
Decisions are often discussed within meetings in which employees can openly communicate their opinion and suggestions but eventually management ignores employees and just decides what they think its best. Also it often feels that management makes decision without even understanding the whole picture.
Interessante Aufgaben
As there is not clear delegation and proper communication you don't get any tasks with responsibility. There is also no trust in employees and tasks are often done behind the employees back without ever including them in the process.
No chance to learn something or grow.
All good here.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
There are not too many older colleagues but everybody is treated equally.
Equipment is good.
Office space is poorly soundproofed. You can hear conversations through the walls.
No tasks with responsibility. No proper on the job training.
Budget for staff training (in-house and outside) almost not existing.
Requests for additional training outside the company is usually rejected.