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Trotz einiger Mängel ist es ein gutes Unternehmen, für das man arbeiten kann

Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

As a small company, I like the nice office environment and the friendliness among the employees.


There are times when I feel excluded because I am from a different nationality and do not speak German. Although the company is international, the company culture does not provide the same level of internationality but I think this is normal.


The lack of a specific orientation for new entrants to the company makes the process difficult. I do not see a certain procedure in the company.


Since I do not speak German, I do not have much relationship with them outside of work, but from what I have observed, the other people are very good. They know how to work when necessary and chat when necessary. Everyone is very well-intentioned and helpful. No one wants to harm each other.


They are quite flexible about working hours. As long as you complete the work given to you, you can work at any time you want. They also offer the opportunity to work from home. I think these are very valuable.


My manager is a competent person. He knows how to talk to his subordinates and how to direct them. Everyone respects him and sees him as a friend. I think there is no very close superior-subordinate relationship in this company, but still everyone knows how to behave


I did not observe any inequality between women and men. Although the majority of the company consists of men, I do not think there is discrimination in terms of the rights given.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The majority of the company consists of men middle age, but since everyone is respectful, I do not have any problems communicating


I think the company offers things ahead of the sector in terms of working conditions. There is coffee, tea, and cold drinks. A fruit basket is offered every week. The office is small but nicely designed, employees are given laptops and there are all kinds of equipment.


The company is in the electric battery production sector. So this shows that they are working for sustainability.


I think I earn a salary similar to the sector average as a working student. The salary schedule is kept on an Excel sheet and everyone is obliged to enter the number of hours they work. I like that it is a system based on trust.


I think people are generally happy with the company. I usually see smiling faces and people who are proud of their work.


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Agnieszka MonrealHR Manager

Dear Team Member,

thank you very much for your valuable feedback. We appreciate to hear that you enjoy working for LION and like the overall quality of the working environment given. We attach a great importance to create for our employees enjoyable working conditions and an atmosphere of trust and support. I´m truly happy to read that you recognize these efforts.

If you have any additional thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to share them in a direct, confidential talk to the HR. Your insights are essential in helping us continually improve and enhance our workplace for everyone.

Thank you for being a valued member of our team!

Warm regards
Agnieszka Monreal
HR Manager
