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Young team of aviation enthusiasts working around the world

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Lufthansa Consulting Managementbeteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A lot of trust is put in the younger colleagues which they then have the chance to re-pay with results.
Benefits and support are both excellent, you never feel lost and always know you can 100% rely on your employer

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nothing :)


In times of not being on a project, the workload should be tried to be kept in balance as well. Only doing proposals or administration work for a month, can become frustrating. But that is complaining on a very high level :)
A bit more transparency on the staffing process for new projects, would also be appreciated (e.g. for which projects was I proposed for in the call, but did not get it because I something else was more important)


The open space concept in the head office allows for a good communication among the team members, with sufficient options for a private space if required. Atmosphere among colleagues is very good - gossip usually stays within the impacted areas and new developments (once final), are communicated directly and transparent.


The executive management team is usually providing a high level of transparency on current developments. Small issue of the moment is the uncertainty over the future organizational structure - not affecting the younger colleagues though.


Strong drive towards doing things together - monthly evening events are organized by the more junior staff. The solution group set-up does sometimes lead to the formation of smaller groups, but nobody feels left out


When in the head office, usually quite normal hours (e.g. 8:30 to 18:00), with exceptions when necessary but also fair compensation in shorter work days in the following weeks. Long days and high effort on projects is compensated by additional days off outside the vacation allowance, which has to be agreed on with the project manager. As usual for a consultancy, the workload can be unpredictable, with long hours and travel abroad coming up at any time.


Constructive feedback and valuable input. Sometimes a bit hard to get a hold on, which is usually due to the timezone difference when traveling

Interessante Aufgaben

On projects a clear 5 (if you LOVE aviation) - when not staffed on a project, workload can feel a bit monotone from time to time, but these are exceptions.


Very good (height adjustable) desks and chairs with sufficient space in the office. Computers are about to be swapped for brand new ones. Think Tanks and conference rooms for quiet work and meetings. Everyone has an own Go-To meeting account.


Good wage for a consultancy offering a good work-life balance. Exceptional benefits on top, due to being under the wings of Lufthansa Group


High reputation abroad due to the brand strength of Lufthansa and due to many successful projects. Image in the Group itself is similar to most Consultants - "here come the cost cutters"


Clear career path laid out if you bring in the effort and the results. Excellent way into the Lufthansa Group, which a lot of colleagues choose after 3-5 years working for LCG


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
