Good internal ressources are not used by Mabanaft management
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
I like my team and the personal challenges.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
IT projects with external partners are usually a total mess. Still the same errors are made with each new project ... after 5 years beeing there, they still didn't learn from their failures.
That's why I am leaving the company ...
Don't hire external ressources for IT projects without speaking to the internal IT. It is always a mess - either within the project or when the developed software should go live. We from the internal IT cannot do everything - but we can controll, that the external partners produce something of value which can be used after the project is done.
good team, good boss, it's fun and productive to work with them
usually, we got informations/decissions on an early status, sometime "too" early, so that there are a lot of points of interesst still open
I work in a very good team
usually you get your daily work done within the working hours, sometimes you need to work more - but if you need to leave early it is also okay
He is not holding back any information. But on the bad side - he has a lot of responsibilities - but is not allowed to make decissions. Kind of toothless tiger.
Interessante Aufgaben
I learned a lot, the business is full of new ideas, but the technology stack is brutally old.
All kinds of people are working there. Never had the feeling, that someone was discriminated.
Good personal hardware, nice desk, very good cantine.
We are buying and selling oil. ;-) But still the company is trying to reduce the bad fingerprint.
30 days annual leave, + 12 half days extra, good pension plan, 10 days mobile working a month
Of myself - sure you can have a picture of me. :D
After 5 years working there, I still did not got a single requested training. You can have online training for time management or other basics you already had in your studies.