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A decent, people-friendly working environment with a breathtaking view over a good half of Berlin

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Personally I felt at ease in the Technical Account Management department. Although one should not expect a top innovatively furnished an equipped working environment Meetrics accounts for a decent place to be in the very heart of Berlin. The idea of sitting behind a desk at Meetrics never ever aroused in me any feeling of rejection or disgust. Plus, an internal on-going kicker contest was recently introduced!


In improvement. As a result of the complexity of the business very few persons at meetrics dispose of a clear understanding of what the company actually does. In spite of the inescapable interdependencies it kinda feels like every single department exists and operates for its own sake. However, the management is slowly but with conviction working to bring the different teams somewhat more togheter.


Out of different reasons many historical team-members left the company in the past months, leaving the space open for a redefinition of the whole staff. Mutual respect lies at the basis of each human interaction at Meetrics, although advertisement is surely not the funniest business in which operate to.


As a Technical Account Manager your work is strictly linked to the office hours of your customers - however, one is allowed to start between 08.30 and 09.30, at the present might be absent up to 6 days per year on sick-leave without being required to hand in any medical certificate and in case you have to necessarily arrange some urgent business during working hours you are supposed just to send a mail to your supervisors. Working full-time at Meetrics is not like feeling chained at all.


In principle correct, although reallocations of responsabilities might happen over the workers' head, leading to unsatisfaction.

Interessante Aufgaben

To feel grounded in the technical account management department one should at best:

- be passionate about solving technical issues
- know how to concentrate while looking at data
- in general, be ready for an analitycal, problem solving oriented job

Personally I found it monotonous and repetitive, but it is ultimately a matter of personal tastes and talents


Women are very well represented in the management board. Meetrics is a modern company, which surely does not rhyme with discrimination.


Recently a water purification system was introduced to avoid plastic bottles, but still much more could and should be done in this regard.


They won't try to bargain down your salary, but still one gets paid significantly more in big companies.


Meetrics is a very well established company in its segment and as a third-party auditor has a strong, intact image

